Add the following to your bashrc file for ros and the workspace to be sourced when opening a new terminal in dev_ws. make sure your are not sourcing ROS in your bashrc file.
if [ -f "/dev_ws/setup.bash" ]; then
source /dev_ws/setup.bash
Running the following command from the root of the repo will execute the build image shell script
Running the following command from the root of the repo will execute the run image shell script
with Nvidia support (requires nvidia-docker2)
Once inside the container, ake ownership of the workspace with
sudo chown -R $USER /dev_ws
Connect to the robot Connect the robot wifi, change the user ip address to, mask 24
SSH to the robot open a terminal on local pc and this terminal will connect to the system in robot
Bringup the robot
cd turtlebot_robot .docker/ roslaunch turtlebot_bringup iaac.launch
Build the image and run the container
cd turtlebot_remote_f0
git pull(make sure all the files are up to date)
Run the image
.docker/ sudo chown -R $user /dev_ws
Gmapping(all in terminator) terminator(split when you want to run multiple nodes)
- rviz(add robotmodel, fix frame, add laser_scan from topics)
- launch the gmapping node
roslaunch turtlebot_navigation turtlebot_gmapping.launch
- teleoperation
roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch
- Save the map
rosrun map_server map_saver -f /dev_ws/src/turtlebot_apps/turtlebot_navigation/maps/<NAME>
Navigation(same terminator)
- change the map name in the amcl_demo_iaac launch file
- rviz(load the map, robotmode, laser_scan, image)
- Launch the navigation node
roslaunch turtlebot_navgation amcl_demo_iaac.launch
- Estimate the pose and position of the robot
- Navigate to a position.
USB camera roslaunch usb_cam camera.launch
lidar not connected
change the usb port and reboot the system
how to syncronize the time start a new terminal, split to two and ssh to the nuc
sudo date --set="2024-01-16 17:22:00.000"
push the changes
cd /dev_ws/src
git add . git commit -m 'your commit ' git push