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Title: HW2: CharLinkedLists
Author: Naveed Naeem 
UTLN: nnaeem01

The purpose of this program is to allow the user to easily create and
modify a doubly linked list structure that stores character values at each

Matthew Russell, Folks who posted on Piazza to help clarify 
aspects of the assignment
Web Resources:

Files Provided:
    - CharLinkedList.h: 
        - Contains the full class definition of the CharLinkedList class
        - Contains the defintions of private member functions and helper 

    - CharLinkedList.cpp:
        - Contains the public method definitions for all functions that were 
          outlined in the assignment
        - Each public method contains a function contract describing what it 
    - unit_tests.cpp:
        - Contains the unit tests that were written to verify the functionality
          of each function
        - Each tests contains a brief description of what it's testing
    - Makefile:
        - Contains the instructions the compiler needs to use in order to
        build the different parts of the program.
        - I added *.dSYM to the clean command
    - README: 
        - THIS file. Contains answers to all the questions asked in the README
How to Compile and Run:
    - To compile the program you can run the "make" command in your terminal.
      This will compile and link all the files for running the "units_tests"
      program by default. To make the timer program type "make timer" in your
    - To run the unit tests program type "./unit_tests" in the terminal

    - The Makefile has several options for what it should build. Take a look
      there for how to build certain items.

Data Structures Outline:
    Doubly Linked List:
        - Advantages:
            - Bidirectional traversal:
                Unlike a singly-linked list the doubly linked list can be 
                traversed from the front AND the back of the list. Also
                in the case of the my CharLinkedList If
            - Insertion/Deletion:
                Unlike a traditional array list it's much easier to insert
                and delete elements in the middle of the linked list since
                there's no need to all the elements stored to the left or
                the right. The associated node is either allocated or
                deleted and the associated next and previous node pointers
                are update accordingly
            - Memory Allocation:
                It's easier to allocate and deallocate memory for a doubly
                linked list when compared with a traditional array list because
                if the linked list needs to expand then only a single new Node
                is allocated and inserted where appropriate. For an array list
                a new block of memory needs to be allocated on the head, the 
                elements from the old block of memory needs to be copied
                then the old block of memory needs to be freed from the heap
                and the pointer to data array needs to be update to the
                location of the new block of memory on the heap
        - Disdvantages:
            - Accessing middle elements:
                Unlike the Array List, elements in the doubly linked list
                can't be accessed directly by index. Instead the list needs
                to be traversed. Worst case this can take O(n) time rather
                than of O(1) for an array list
            - Increased Memory Requirements:
                Each element in the doubly linked list needs to keep track
                of its previous and next node pointers it requires more
                memory to implement than the traditional array list
            - Increased complexity:
                Since there are more operations that need to take place
                in order to update elements in a doubly linked list
                (i.e. the pointers need to be properly modified) it makes
                it hard to perform actions such are sorting, reversing, etc.
                than a traditional array list where you only need to keep track
                of the elements index.

Algorithm's Used:
    - Linear Search:
        - A modified version of linear search was used to implement the 
        insertInOrder() method

Testing Methodology:
    - I wrote explicit tests to test every public method function.
        - Certain methods (e.g. pushAtBack/Front) were tested in pairs.
    - Test conditions tested for specific scenarios that would cause errors. 
    These include instances such as doubly linked lists of size 0, indices
    out of range (<0 or greater than listSize - 1), large, medium, small
    doubly linked list sizes, etc.
    - For testing expected behavior of lists I primarly used both empty lists,
    single-element lists and lists that contained all the characters of the
    lower-case alphabet since the behavior is easy to predict based on the 
    specific test. Additionally for certain testing I used a palindrome
    Steps Taken in Testing:
    - Write a test for invalid cases for a given function and write a test 
    for valid cases for a given function.
    - Call "make unit_tests" to make sure the program compiles.
    - Run ./unit_tests to make sure no assertions fail locally.
        - Iterate functionality to fix any issues.
    - Repeat the make on Halligan servers.
    - Repeat running on Halligan servers but also use valgrind.
        - Fix and memory leak, segfault issues and repeat.
    - Repeat for each public class method.

    Debugging: For issues not obviously wrong I would debug the specific test 
    case that was giving me issues. I was able debug files using the C/C++
    extension tools in the VS Code extensions.

Estimated Time Taken:
    - Approximately 19 hours, +- and 1 Hour

Timer Questions:
    Operation Times when run on the Halligan Servers:

    - pushAtFront: 3760 nS
    - pushAtBack: 2580 nS
    - insertAt middle of list: 2650070 nS
    - popFromBack: 2300 nS
    - popFromFront: 2261 nS
    - removeAt middle of list: 3224065 nS
    - first(): 737 nS
    - last(): 726 nS
    - elementAt() middle of list: 5990894;

2.  Access of the first and last element was the fastest operation because my
    CharLinkedList class has pointers to the front and back nodes so the 
    linked list never has to be traversed to access these elements. The 
    elementAt() calls probably took the longest because they were recursive 
    and each call gets pushed onto the stack and then gets popped off. This is
    more operationally intensive than just access by index (removeAt middle 
    and insertAt middle are done through traversal without recursion).
    Unsurprisingly, inserting and removing at the middle of a linked list takes
    significantly more time than modifying the front and back of the list.
    The program has to traverse the linked list to get the desired node since
    it can't be accessed directly.
3.  The following is faster for Array Lists:
    - Accessing or updating elements by index is faster (O(1) time complexity)
    since the array list is stored in a contiguous block of memory
    - Inserting or deleting elements add the end of the list is quicker since
    it doesn't require shifting the other elements

    The following is faster for Linked Lists:
    - Inserting or deleting elements at the front of the list is faster because
     the other elements don't need to be shifted. 
    - Inserting or deleting elements at the back of a doubly linked lists is
    also generally faster since there aren't cases where the allocated array
    need to be expanded and copied.


1.  Functions to insert or delete elements are the front were easier to
    since the other elements in the list didn't need to be shifted to the left
    or right. The only thing that had to be updated were the pointer to the new
    front and the old front node. Additionally, inserting elements in the 
    middle and back of the linked list were slightly easier because there's
    no need to allocate a whole new block of memory, copy the elements, and 
    free the old block of memory. Then shifting all the elements to maintain
    the desired positions. All you had to do is traverse the linked list until 
    you get to the element you want and insert or delete a node as needed.
2.  Functions that were harder to implement for linked lists were ones that 
    involved accessing or updating an element by index since linked lists 
    don't allow for this. Additionally it was slightly harder to implement 
    the functions that involved strings since you have to loop through the 
    nodes rather than just directly accessing the character. 
3.  To switch from CharArrayList to CharLinkedLists they'd have to update the
    underlying data structure of an array to a list of nodes. Each node 
    contains a character value, a pointer to the next node, and a pointer to
     the previous node. The client would have to modify the syntax for account
     for the node structure and the fact that they no longer have direct access
     to any element in the linked list other than the front and back elements
     of the linked list. Insertion and removal functions need to account for
     proper updating of the pointers to each node in the list but they no
     longer have to worry about shifting any of the elements other then the
     previous and next nodes.


A Doubly Linked-List Class written in C++






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