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Merge pull request #20 from ocaml-multicore/gkmz-adaptation
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GKMZ adaptation
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polytypic authored Jan 31, 2023
2 parents a3064e4 + 4e978c4 commit 44939c1
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,10 @@

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

## 0.1.7

* Change to use the new GKMZ algorithm (@polytypic, review: @bartoszmodelski)

## 0.1.6

* Add preflights sorting and checks (@bartoszmodelski, review: @polytypic)
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290 changes: 144 additions & 146 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -13,165 +13,163 @@ module Id = struct
let get_unique () = Atomic.fetch_and_add id 1

type 'a state = WORD of 'a | RDCSS_DESC of 'a rdcss_t | CASN_DESC of casn_t
and 'a ref = { content : 'a state Atomic.t; id : int }
and t = CAS : 'a ref * 'a state * 'a state -> t

and 'a rdcss_t = {
a1 : status ref; (* control value *)
o1 : status state; (* expected control value *)
a2 : 'a ref; (* data value *)
o2 : 'a state; (* old data *)
n2 : 'a state; (* new data *)
id_rdcss : int;

and casn_t = { st : status ref; c_l : t list; id_casn : int }
and 'a cas_result = Aborted | Failed | Success of 'a

let ref a = { content = Atomic.make (WORD a); id = Id.get_unique () }
let equal r1 r2 = Obj.repr r1 == Obj.repr r2
let is_on_ref (CAS (r1, _, _)) r2 = equal r1 r2
let mk_cas a old_value new_value = CAS (a, WORD old_value, WORD new_value)

let mk_rdcss a1 o1 a2 o2 n2 =
{ a1; o1; a2; o2; n2; id_rdcss = Id.get_unique () }
type 'a ref = { state : 'a state Atomic.t; id : int }
and 'a state = { mutable before : 'a; mutable after : 'a; mutable casn : casn }
and cass = CAS : 'a ref * 'a state * cass * cass -> cass | NIL : cass
and casn = status Atomic.t
and status = [ `Undetermined of cass | `After | `Before ]

let mk_casn st c_l = { st; c_l; id_casn = Id.get_unique () }
type t = T : 'a ref * 'a * 'a -> t
type 'a cas_result = Aborted | Failed | Success of 'a

let st_eq s s' =
match (s, s') with
| WORD x, WORD x' -> x == x'
| RDCSS_DESC r, RDCSS_DESC r' -> r.id_rdcss == r'.id_rdcss
| CASN_DESC c, CASN_DESC c' -> c.id_casn == c'.id_casn
| _ -> false
let casn_after = Atomic.make `After
let casn_before = Atomic.make `Before

let commit (CAS (r, expect, update)) =
let curr_value = Atomic.get r.content in
st_eq curr_value expect && Atomic.compare_and_set r.content curr_value update
let ref after =
state = Atomic.make { before = after; after; casn = casn_after };
id = Id.get_unique ();

let cas r e u = commit (mk_cas r e u)
let set r n = Atomic.set r.content (WORD n)
let equal r1 r2 = Obj.repr r1 == Obj.repr r2
let is_on_ref (T (r1, _, _)) r2 = equal r1 r2
let mk_cas a old_value new_value = T (a, old_value, new_value)
let get_id r =

let rec rdcss rd =
if commit (CAS (rd.a2, rd.o2, RDCSS_DESC rd)) then (
ignore @@ complete rd;
let curr_data = Atomic.get rd.a2.content in
match curr_data with
| RDCSS_DESC rd' ->
ignore @@ complete rd';
rdcss rd
| WORD _ | CASN_DESC _ ->
if st_eq curr_data rd.o2 then rdcss rd else curr_data

and complete rd =
if st_eq (Atomic.get rd.a1.content) rd.o1 then
commit (CAS (rd.a2, RDCSS_DESC rd, rd.n2))
else commit (CAS (rd.a2, RDCSS_DESC rd, rd.o2))

let rec rdcss_read a =
let r = Atomic.get a in
match r with
| RDCSS_DESC rd ->
ignore @@ complete rd;
rdcss_read a
| _ -> r

let rec casn_proceed c =
let rec phase1 curr_cas_list curr_status out =
match curr_cas_list with
| CAS (atomic, old_value, new_value) :: curr_c_t_tail
when curr_status = SUCCEEDED -> (
let s =
rdcss (mk_rdcss (WORD UNDECIDED) atomic old_value (CASN_DESC c))
match s with
| CASN_DESC c' ->
if c.id_casn != c'.id_casn then (
ignore @@ casn_proceed c';
phase1 curr_cas_list curr_status out)
phase1 curr_c_t_tail curr_status
(CAS (atomic, old_value, new_value) :: out)
| RDCSS_DESC _ -> assert false
| WORD _ ->
if st_eq s old_value then
phase1 curr_c_t_tail curr_status
(CAS (atomic, old_value, new_value) :: out)
phase1 curr_c_t_tail FAILED
(CAS (atomic, old_value, new_value) :: out))
| _ ->
ignore @@ commit (CAS (, WORD UNDECIDED, WORD curr_status));
let rec phase2 curr_c_l succ =
match curr_c_l with
| CAS (a, o, n) :: curr_c_l_tail ->
let value_to_commit =
match Atomic.get succ with
| _ -> assert false
ignore @@ commit (CAS (a, CASN_DESC c, value_to_commit));
phase2 curr_c_l_tail succ
| _ -> Atomic.get succ = WORD SUCCEEDED
match Atomic.get with
| WORD UNDECIDED -> phase2 (phase1 c.c_l SUCCEEDED [])
| _ -> phase2 c.c_l

let rec get a =
let r = rdcss_read a.content in
match r with
| CASN_DESC c ->
ignore @@ casn_proceed c;
get a
| WORD out -> out
| _ -> assert false

let kCAS ?(presort = true) cas_list =
match cas_list with
let set atom value =
Atomic.set atom.state { before = value; after = value; casn = casn_after }

let rec release_after = function
| NIL -> true
| CAS (_, state, lt, gt) ->
release_after lt |> ignore;
state.before <- state.after;
state.casn <- casn_after;
release_after gt

let rec release_before = function
| NIL -> false
| CAS (_, state, lt, gt) ->
release_before lt |> ignore;
state.after <- state.before;
state.casn <- casn_before;
release_before gt

(* Note: The writes to `state.casn <- ...` above could be removed to reduce time
at the cost of increasing space usage (by a constant factor). *)

let release cass = function
| `After -> release_after cass
| `Before -> release_before cass

let finish casn (`Undetermined cass as undetermined)
(status : [ `Before | `After ]) =
if Atomic.compare_and_set casn (undetermined :> status) (status :> status)
then release cass status
else Atomic.get casn == `After

let rec determine casn undetermined skip = function
| NIL -> skip || finish casn undetermined `After
| CAS (atom, state, lt, gt) as eq ->
determine casn undetermined true lt
let state' = Atomic.get atom.state in
if state == state' then determine casn undetermined skip gt
let before = state.before in
let before' = state'.before and after' = state'.after in
(before == before' && before == after')
|| before == if is_after state'.casn then after' else before'
let status = Atomic.get casn in
if status != (undetermined :> status) then status == `After
else if Atomic.compare_and_set atom.state state' state then
determine casn undetermined skip gt
else determine casn undetermined skip eq
else finish casn undetermined `Before

and is_after casn =
match Atomic.get casn with
| `Undetermined cass as undetermined -> determine casn undetermined false cass
| `After -> true
| `Before -> false

let cas atom before after =
let state = { before = after; after; casn = casn_after } in
let state' = Atomic.get atom.state in
let before' = state'.before and after' = state'.after in
((before == before' && before == after')
|| before == if is_after state'.casn then after' else before')
&& Atomic.compare_and_set atom.state state' state

let commit (T (r, expect, update)) = cas r expect update

let get atom =
let state = Atomic.get atom.state in
let before = state.before and after = state.after in
if before == after || is_after state.casn then after else before

let overlap () = failwith "kcas: location overlap" [@@inline never]

let rec splay x = function
| NIL -> (NIL, NIL)
| CAS (a, s, l, r) as t ->
if x < then
match l with
| NIL -> (NIL, t)
| CAS (pa, ps, ll, lr) ->
if x < then
let lll, llr = splay x ll in
(lll, CAS (pa, ps, llr, CAS (a, s, lr, r)))
else if < x then
let lrl, lrr = splay x lr in
(CAS (pa, ps, ll, lrl), CAS (a, s, lrr, r))
else overlap ()
else if < x then
match r with
| NIL -> (t, NIL)
| CAS (pa, ps, rl, rr) ->
if x < then
let rll, rlr = splay x rl in
(CAS (a, s, l, rll), CAS (pa, ps, rlr, rr))
else if < x then
let rrl, rrr = splay x rr in
(CAS (pa, ps, CAS (a, s, l, rl), rrl), rrr)
else overlap ()
else overlap ()

let kCAS = function
| [] -> true
| [ (CAS (a, _, _) as c) ] ->
ignore @@ get a;
commit c
| _ ->
let cas_list =
if presort then (
(* ensure global total order of locations (see section 5 in kCAS paper) *)
let sorted =
(fun (CAS (cas_a, _, _)) (CAS (cas_b, _, _)) -> (get_id cas_a) (get_id cas_b))
(* check for overlapping locations *)
(fun previous_id (CAS (ref, _, _)) ->
let current_id = get_id ref in
if current_id = previous_id then failwith "kcas: location overlap";
0 sorted
|> ignore;
else cas_list
| [ t ] -> commit t
| T (atom, before, after) :: rest ->
let casn = Atomic.make `After in
let insert cass (T (atom, before, after)) =
let x = in
let state = { before; after; casn } in
match cass with
| CAS (a, _, NIL, _) when x < -> CAS (atom, state, NIL, cass)
| CAS (a, _, _, NIL) when < x -> CAS (atom, state, cass, NIL)
| _ ->
let l, r = splay x cass in
CAS (atom, state, l, r)

(* proceed with casn *)
let casn = mk_casn (ref UNDECIDED) cas_list in
casn_proceed casn
let cass =
List.fold_left insert
(CAS (atom, { before; after; casn }, NIL, NIL))
let undetermined = `Undetermined cass in
(* The end result is a cyclic data structure, which is why we cannot
initialize the [casn] atomic directly. *)
Atomic.set casn undetermined;
determine casn undetermined false cass

let try_map r f =
let c = get r in
match f c with
| None -> Aborted
| Some v -> if kCAS [ mk_cas r c v ] then Success c else Failed
| Some v -> if cas r c v then Success c else Failed

let map r f =
let b = Backoff.create () in
Expand Down
13 changes: 6 additions & 7 deletions src/kcas.mli
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Expand Up @@ -28,16 +28,15 @@ val cas : 'a ref -> 'a -> 'a -> bool
val commit : t -> bool
(** [commit c] performs the CAS [c] and returns [true] if the CAS is successful. *)

val kCAS : ?presort:bool -> t list -> bool
val kCAS : t list -> bool
(** [kCAS l] performs a lock-free multi-word CAS and returns [true] if the
multi-word CAS is successful.
kCAS requires [ref] of provided operations to follow a global total order.
To eliminate a class of bugs [kCAS] presorts provided operations, and that
increases algorithm's complexity to n log n. If user is able to ensure
said order in some other way, use [presort] switch to disable sorting and
ordering checks, thus improving worst-case complexity to n.
kCAS requires [ref] of provided operations to follow a global total order.
To eliminate a class of bugs [kCAS] presorts provided operations. If the
operations are given in either ascending or descending order of {!get_id}
then the presort is done in linear time [O(n)]. Otherwise presort may take
linearithmic time [O(n log n)]. *)

val get : 'a ref -> 'a
(** [get a] reads the value contained in reference [a]. *)
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45 changes: 44 additions & 1 deletion test/
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Expand Up @@ -166,11 +166,54 @@ let test_stress n nb_loop =
assert (Kcas.kCAS kcas1)

(* test 5 *)

let test_presort () =
let n_incs = 50_000 and n_domains = 3 and n_refs = 5 in

let barrier = Barrier.make n_domains in

let refs = Array.init n_refs (fun _ -> Kcas.ref 0) in

let in_place_shuffle array =
let n = Array.length array in
for i = 0 to n - 2 do
let j = (n - i) + i in
let t = array.(i) in
array.(i) <- array.(j);
array.(j) <- t

let mk_inc refs =
in_place_shuffle refs;
let x = Kcas.get refs.(0) in
let y = x + 1 in
Array.fold_left (fun cs r -> Kcas.mk_cas r x y :: cs) [] refs

let thread () =
let refs = Array.copy refs in
Random.self_init ();
Barrier.await barrier;
for _ = 1 to n_incs do
while not (Kcas.kCAS (mk_inc refs)) do

Array.make n_domains thread
|> Domain.spawn |> Array.iter Domain.join;

refs |> Array.iter (fun r -> assert (Kcas.get r = n_incs * n_domains))

let () =
test_set ();
test_casn ();
test_read_casn ();
test_stress 1000 10000
test_stress 1000 10000;
test_presort ()

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