Cloud config toolkit facilitates deployment, validation and transformation of configuration files.
- Save your configuration file on remote storage by version and namespace
- Validate the configuration file
- Custom transformations of configuration file (e.g. fill with defaults)
- Extend the toolkit with your own commands
- Not coupled with anything particular: implement storage and validation interfaces with your favorite libraries.
In order to use Cloud config toolkit, you need to install the CLI package globally:
npm install -g cloud-config-toolkit-cli
Next, inside your project's root directory, install the main package:
npm install --save cloud-config-toolkit
and create the configuration file cct.conf.js
(see configuration section).
Follow this usage tutorial to familiarize with installation, configuration, and explore the benefits of Cloud config toolkit.
Cloud config toolkit provides the following set of commands.
- Validate the configuration file:
cct validate config.json
- Push a new version to remote storage:
cct push config.json --version <version> [--namespace=<namespace>]
- Download the configuration file from remote storage:
cct download --destination config.json --version <version> [--namespace=<namespace>]
- List available versions on remote storage:
cct ls [--namespace=<namespace>]
- Download the exported configuration file from remote storage (available when
is specified):
cct download-export --destination exportedConfig.json --version <version> [--namespace=<namespace>]
- Get the exported configuration file from the configuration file (available when
is specified):
cct export config.json --destination exportedConfig.json
- User defined commands to manage configuration with custom logic (available when
is specified):
cct commandName --param1 value1 --param2 value2
- Show all available commands:
cct help
Show help for an individual command, e.g. push
cct push help
In order to use Cloud config toolkit, create a configuration file cct.conf.js
in the root directory of the project.
// `cct.conf.js`
const Storage = require('cloud-config-toolkit-gae-storage');
const Env = require('cloud-config-toolkit-env');
const { Validator, Exporter } = require('cloud-config-toolkit-ajv');
module.exports = {
storage: new Storage({
bucketName: 'my-bucket-for-configs',
keyFilename: './gc.conf.json'
validator: new Validator({
// ...
exporter: new Exporter({
// ...
env: new Env(),
commands: [{
command: 'command2',
describe: 'Command2 description',
handler(argv, toolkit, commandHandlers) {
// ...
serialize: JSON.stringify,
deserialize: JSON.parse
property value must be an object that conforms to Storage
Its purpose is to save configuration content on any type storage.
interface Storage {
function createItem(name, content, namespace)
function getItemContent(name, namespace)
function itemExists(name, namespace)
function getItemNames(namespace)
See also cloud-config-toolkit-gc-storage package.
property value must be an object that conforms to Validator
Its purpose is to validate the configuration against some schema or validation rules.
interface Validator {
function isValid(configuration)
function getErrors(configuration)
See also cloud-config-toolkit-ajv package.
is a function that serializes the configuration object into a raw string representation.
function serialize(configuration)
is a function that deserializes a raw string representation into the configuration object.
function deserialize(string)
property value must be an object that conforms to Exporter
Use this property to transform the original configuration file, e.g. fill with default values.
interface Exporter {
function export(configuration)
See also cloud-config-toolkit-ajv package.
property value must be an object that conforms to Env
Use this property to specify how to access environment variables.
interface Env {
function getVars()
is an array of custom commands definitions (as per yargs command module definition).
commands: [
command: 'command1 <path>',
describe: 'Command1 description',
builder: {
destination: {
alias: 'd',
describe: 'Download destination path',
demandOption: true
handler(argv, toolkit, commandHandlers) {
// ...
}, {
command: 'command2',
describe: 'Command2 description',
handler(argv, toolkit, commandHandlers) {
// ...
Command's handler
method has the following params:
contains the command line arguments. -
parameter is a facade that gives access to push, download and other toolkit functions:
interface Toolkit {
push(configuration, version, namespace)
download(version, namespace)
itemExists(version, namespace)
parameter contains default commands handlers. Use this to compose more complex commands using default ones:
downloadExport({ version, namespace, destination })
download({ version, namespace, destination })
export({ path, destination })
push({ path, version, namespace })
validation({ path })