This project provides Java APIs for both client (GWT, with "g-" prefix) and server (Vaadin, "v-" prefix) side for the popular Leaflet marker cluster add-on: Leaflet.markercluster
Realeases can be downloaded form
During development you might need to have development versions of v-leaflet and g-leaflet, the wrappers for LeafletJS
To run the test server with a few example uses of the lib, go to the v-leaflet-markercluster module:
cd v-leaflet-markercluster
Then run the following command to start the test server on port 19998:
mvn -e exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.vaadin.addon.leaflet.demoandtestapp.util.TServer" -Dexec.classpathScope=test