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Turkish Translation (#207)
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All plugins translated into Turkish
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WinTone01 authored Oct 29, 2023
1 parent 3797f18 commit dca309c
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,439 additions and 0 deletions.
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions vane-admin/src/main/resources/lang-tr.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# vim: set tabstop=2 softtabstop=0 expandtab shiftwidth=2:
# >> See lang-en.yml for variable descriptions <<
# +-----------------------------------+
# | CAUTION: Do NOT change this file! |
# +-----------------------------------+
# It will be silently overwritten with updates! If you want
# to customize strings yourself, copy this file to lang-custom.yml
# and set the language in the config.yml to "lang: 'custom'"

# DO NOT CHANGE! The version of this language file. Used to determine
# if the file needs to be updated.
version: 2
# The corresponding language code used in resource packs. Used for
# resource pack generation. Typically this is a combination of the
# language code (ISO 639) and the country code (ISO 3166).
resource_pack_lang_code: 'tr_tr'

# This is the format for player chat messages
# %1$s: player name
# %2$s: message
player_chat_format: "%1$s§7: %2$s"

# This message is sent when a player joins the server
# %1$s: player name
player_join: "%1$s§e sunucuya katıldı"

# This message is sent when a player is kicked from the server
# %1$s: player name
player_kick: "%1$s§e sunucudan atıldı"

# This message is sent when a player leaves the server
# %1$s: player name
player_quit: "%1$s§e sunucudan atıldı"

# This message is sent when autostop is aborted, due to an administrative command
# or a player joining the server.
aborted: "§dOtomatik durdurma iptal edildi"
# This message is sent when autostop is scheduled, due to an administrative command
# or the last player leaving the server.
# %1$s: Time until stop
scheduled: "§d%1$s için otomatik durdurma planlandı"
# This message is sent when autostop status is requested and autostop is already scheduled.
# %1$s: Time until stop
status: "§7Otomatik durdurmaya %1$s"
# This message is sent when autostop status is requested but autostop is not scheduled.
status_not_scheduled: "§dOtomatik durdurma planlanmadı"
# This message is sent when the actual autostop is performed.
shutdown: "§dOtomatik durdurma başlatıldı!"

usage: "%1$s §7<§aabort§7|§aschedule§7|§astatus§7>"
description: "Otomatik durdurmayı yönetir."
help: "§aabort§7:§r Zamanlanmış otomatik durdurma görevini iptal eder.\n\
§aschedule §7[§bgecikme§7]:§r Oyuncu sayısından bağımsız olarak otomatik durdurma görevini hemen planlar. Yapılandırılan değeri geçersiz kılmak için yeni bir gecikmeyi kabul eder.\n\
§astatus§7:§r Geçerli otomatik durdurma durumunu gösterir."

# This message is sent when the wither has been prevented from spawning in a non-whitelisted world
# %1$s: world name
wither_spawn_prohibited: "§7Wither bu dünyada doğmayabilir!"

# This message is sent when the gamemode of a player is changed by the gamemode command.
# %1$s: Player name
# %2$s: Gamemode name
set: "%1$s§7 için oyun modu %2$s §7olarak ayarlandı"
usage: "%1$s §boyun modu §7[§boyuncu§7]"
description: "§boyun modu §7[§boyuncu§7]"
help: "Bir oyuncunun oyun modunu ayarlar."

# This message is sent when the player is standing in a slimechunk
slime_chunk_yes: "§aBu bir slime chunkı."
# This message is sent when the player is not standing in a slimechunk
slime_chunk_no: "§cBu bir slime chunkı değil."
usage: "%1$s"
description: "Geçerli chunkın bir slime öbeği olup olmadığını kontrol eder."
help: "Geçerli chunkın bir slime öbeği olup olmadığını kontrol eder."

usage: "%1$s §bzaman §7[§bdünya§7]"
description: "Mevcut veya verilen dünyanın zamanını ayarlar."
help: "Mevcut veya verilen dünyanın zamanını ayarlar."

usage: "%1$s §bhava durumu §7[§bdünya§7]"
description: "Mevcut veya verilen dünyanın hava durumunu ayarlar."
help: "Mevcut veya verilen dünyanın hava durumunu ayarlar."
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions vane-bedtime/src/main/resources/lang-tr.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# vim: set tabstop=2 softtabstop=0 expandtab shiftwidth=2:
# >> See lang-en.yml for variable descriptions <<
# +-----------------------------------+
# | CAUTION: Do NOT change this file! |
# +-----------------------------------+
# It will be silently overwritten with updates! If you want
# to customize strings yourself, copy this file to lang-custom.yml
# and set the language in the config.yml to "lang: 'custom'"

# DO NOT CHANGE! The version of this language file. Used to determine
# if the file needs to be updated.
version: 5
# The corresponding language code used in resource packs. Used for
# resource pack generation. Typically this is a combination of the
# language code (ISO 639) and the country code (ISO 3166).
resource_pack_lang_code: 'tr_tr'

# This message is broadcast in the world, when a player enters the bed.
# %1$s: player name
# %2$s: percentage of sleeping players
# %3$s: current count of sleeping players in the relevant world
# %4$s: required amount of sleeping players to advance time
# %5$s: world name
player_bed_enter: "%1$s şuanda uyuyor %3$s/%4$s"

# This message is broadcast in the world, when a player leaves the bed early,
# before time was advanced.
# %1$s: player name
# %2$s: percentage of remaining sleeping players
# %3$s: current count of sleeping players in the relevant world
# %4$s: required amount of sleeping players to advance time
# %5$s: world name
player_bed_leave: "%1$s dinlenmiş hisseti %3$s/%4$s"

# The label for the dynmap layer
layer_label: "Yataklar"
# The label for the dynmap markers
# %1$s: Player name
marker_label: "%1$s"

# The label for the BlueMap marker set
layer_label: "Yataklar"
# The label for the BlueMap bed markers. Supports HTML. Arguments will be escaped properly.
# %1$s: Player name
marker_label: "<span style=\"color: white\">🏠 %1$s</span>"
156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions vane-core/src/main/resources/lang-tr.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
# vim: set tabstop=2 softtabstop=0 expandtab shiftwidth=2:
# >> See lang-en.yml for variable descriptions <<
# +-----------------------------------+
# | CAUTION: Do NOT change this file! |
# +-----------------------------------+
# It will be silently overwritten with updates! If you want
# to customize strings yourself, copy this file to lang-custom.yml
# and set the language in the config.yml to "lang: 'custom'"

# DO NOT CHANGE! The version of this language file. Used to determine
# if the file needs to be updated.
version: 4
# The corresponding language code used in resource packs. Used for
# resource pack generation. Typically this is a combination of the
# language code (ISO 639) and the country code (ISO 3166).
resource_pack_lang_code: 'tr_tr'

# This message is sent when a command requires a player but is executed
# by a non-player.
command_not_a_player: "§chata:§6 komut bir oyuncu tarafından yürütülmelidir!"
# This message is sent when the command sender is missing the required
# permission.
command_permission_denied: "§chata:§6 izin reddedildi!"

# This message is sent when an invalid time format is encountered.
# %1$s: format error message
invalid_time_format: "§chata:§6 geçersiz zaman: %1$s"

# This message is sent when a block with a lootable is first attempted to be broken.
break_loot_block_prevented: "§6Bu bloğun bir ganimet tablosu vardır ve bir süre sonra otomatik olarak yeniden doldurulacaktır. Bu bloğu gerçekten yok etmek istiyorsanız, 5 saniye bekleyin ve tekrar kırın."

usage: "%1$s §agive §7<§beşya§7>"
description: "Oyuncuya belirli bir özel öğe verir."
help: "§agive §7<§beşya§7>:§r Oyuncuya belirli bir özel öğe verir."

# This message is sent when an enchantment level is given that is too low for the chosen enchantment.
# %1$s: Given level
# %2$s: Minimum level
level_too_low: "§chata:§6 %1$s§6 seviyesi çok düşük, en az %2$s§6 olmalıdır"
# This message is sent when an enchantment level is given that is too high for the chosen enchantment.
# %1$s: Given level
# %2$s: Maximum level
level_too_high: "§chata:§6 %1$s§6 seviyesi çok yüksek, en fazla %2$s§6 olmalıdır"
# This message is sent when the selected enchantment cannot be applied to the item in hand.
# %1$s: Enchantment
# %2$s: Item in hand
invalid_enchantment: "§chata: %1$s§6, %2$s§6 öğesine uygulanamaz"
usage: "%1$s §bbüyü §7[§bseviye§7]"
description: "Elinizdeki eşyayı büyüler."
help: "Elinizdeki eşyayı büyüler."

# This message is sent when a module has been successfully reloaded.
# %1$s: module
reload_success: "%1$s§7: §ayeniden yükleme başarılı"
# This message is sent when a module failed to reload.
# %1$s: module
reload_fail: "%1$s§7: §cyeniden yükleme başarısız oldu"
# This message is sent when the resource_pack has been successfully generated.
# %1$s: path to the resource pack file
resource_pack_generate_success: "§aKaynak paketi başarıyla oluşturuldu: %1$s"
# This message is sent when the resource_pack could not be generated.
resource_pack_generate_fail: "§cKaynak paketi oluşturulurken bir hata oluştu"
usage: "%1$s §7<§areload§7|§agenerate_resource_pack§7>"
description: "Vane eklentilerini yönetir."
help: "§areload §7[§bmodül§7]:§r Tümünü veya verilen Vane modülünü yeniden yükler.\n\
§agenerate_resource_pack§7:§r vane kaynak paketini oluşturur."

# This kick message is used when a mandatory resource pack was declined by a player.
declined: "Bu sunucuda oynamak için kaynak paketini kabul etmeniz gerekiyor.\n\
Bu Yerelleştirme ve dokular için gereklidir. Yanlışlıkla reddetmeniz durumunda,\n\
sunucu listenizdeki bu sunucunun girişini düzenleyerek bunu değiştirebilirsiniz."
# This kick message is used when a mandatory resource pack failed to download for player.
download_failed: "§cKaynak paketi indirmeniz başarısız olmuş gibi görünüyor.§r\n\
§7(Görsel hataları önlemek için bağlantınız kesildi)\n\
§dLütfen tekrar deneyin."

# The title for the head selection menu.
# %1$s: Total heads in library
title: "%1$s §8§lKafalar"
# The title for the filter menu.
filter_title: "§8§lKafa kütüphanesini filtrele"
# Represents a head in the library.
# %1$s: Head name
# %2$s: Head category
# %3$s: Head tags
name: "%1$s"
- ""
- "§7Kategori: %2$s"
- "§7Etiketler: %3$s"

# Item selection menu.
# The item used to accept the selection.
name: "§a§lKabul etmek"
lore: ["§7Seçili olan öğeyi §bSeçersin§7."]

# The item used to cancel the selection.
name: "§c§lİptal etmek"
lore: ["§7Öğe seçmeyi §6İptal edersin§7."]

# The item used to represent the currently selected item.
name: "§d§lSeçilen öğe"
- ""
- "Seçmek için envanterinizdeki herhangi bir öğeye tıklayın."
- ""
- "§7Değişiklikleri sıfırlamak için §bSol tıklayın§7."
- "§7Temizlemek için §bSağ tıklayın§7 (izin veriliyorsa)."

# Generic thing selection menu.
# The item selecting the n'th page
# %1$s: Page number
name: "§bSayfa %1$s"
lore: []

# The item showing the current page
# %1$s: Page number
# %2$s: Total amount of pages
# %3$s: Total amount of items (filtered)
# %4$s: Total amount of items (unfiltered)
name: "§aMevcut sayfa %1$s §7/ %2$s"
- ""
- "§b#Filtrelenmiş eşyalar: %3$s"

# The item used to open the filter menu.
# Right clicking resets the filter.
name: "§d§lFiltre"
- ""
- "§7Filtre menüsünü açmak için §bSol tıklayın§7."
- "§7Filtreyi sıfırlamak için §bSağ tıklayın§7."

# The item used to cancel the selection.
name: "§c§lİptal Etmek"
lore: ["§7seçimi §6İptal eder§7."]
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions vane-enchantments/src/main/resources/lang-tr.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
# vim: set tabstop=2 softtabstop=0 expandtab shiftwidth=2:
# >> See lang-en.yml for variable descriptions <<
# +-----------------------------------+
# | CAUTION: Do NOT change this file! |
# +-----------------------------------+
# It will be silently overwritten with updates! If you want
# to customize strings yourself, copy this file to lang-custom.yml
# and set the language in the config.yml to "lang: 'custom'"

# DO NOT CHANGE! The version of this language file. Used to determine
# if the file needs to be updated.
version: 4
# The corresponding language code used in resource packs. Used for
# resource pack generation. Typically this is a combination of the
# language code (ISO 639) and the country code (ISO 3166).
resource_pack_lang_code: 'tr_tr'

# The display name of this item variant.
name: "Antik Cilt"

# The display name of this item variant.
name: "Antik Cilt"

# The display name of this item variant.
name: "Antik Bilgi Kitabı"

# The display name of this item variant.
name: "Antik Bilgi Kitabı"

# The display name of this item variant.
name: "Tanrıların Antik Kitabı"

# The display name of this item variant.
name: "Tanrıların Antik Kitabı"

# The display name of this enchantment. Will be packed into a resource pack.
name: "Melek"

# The display name of this enchantment. Will be packed into a resource pack.
name: "Kanca"

# The display name of this enchantment. Will be packed into a resource pack.
name: "Cehennem Kemeri"

# The display name of this enchantment. Will be packed into a resource pack.
name: "Yaprak Kıyıcı"

# The display name of this enchantment. Will be packed into a resource pack.
name: "Yıldırım"

# The display name of this enchantment. Will be packed into a resource pack.
name: "Tırmık"

# The display name of this enchantment. Will be packed into a resource pack.
name: "Tohumlama"

# The display name of this enchantment. Will be packed into a resource pack.
name: "Ruh Bağlılığı"
drop_lock_warning: "Ruh Bağlılığı olan Öğeleri yalnızca fare kullanılarak düşürülebilir"
drop_cooldown: "Düşüşü onaylamak için tekrar bırakın"
dropped_notification: "Düşen Ruh Bağlılığı olan Öğe: %1$s"

# The display name of this enchantment. Will be packed into a resource pack.
name: "Kalkış"

# The display name of this enchantment. Will be packed into a resource pack.
name: "Kırılmaz"

# The display name of this enchantment. Will be packed into a resource pack.
name: "Kanatlar"

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