This ontology is developed following the guidelines provided by the LOT methodology.
The following diagram shows a general overview of the classes and properties of the Conceptual Mapping vocabulary. This diagram follows the Chowlk notation. For a complete description of the ontology constructs, see the documentation.
The encoded core ontology in OWL can be found here.
To check that a change KG is compliant with the OCH ontology, shapes SHACL are provided in the shapes folder.
To generate a change KG with the OCH ontology, we provide a mapping template in YARRRML in the mappings folder
Some examples of how the language can be used to describe data for RDF transformation is shown in the examples folder.
The management of issues and improvements suggested for this vocabulary is done by addressing issues in the repository. If you are interested in collaborate with us in a new version of the language, send us an email or open a new issue or discussion!
- Diego Conde-Herreros
- María Poveda Villalón
- Romana Pernisch
- David Chaves-Fraga