Project for the Web Technology course in TUGraz. The #trackr app plots tweets for a specific hashtag (and optionally a specific location and date) on a world map to allow users to identify geographical trends in Twitter data.
The source code for this project is available at
- Install Java 1.8 JDK
- Install Eclipse JEE (the latest release)
- Clone the project's Git repo (master branch) into the eclipse workspace
- Setup the build path : add every .jar from /trackr/lib in the Build Path (right click on project => Build Path => Configure Build Path => Libraries => Add external jar)
- Right click on Project => Project Facets => tick Dynamic Web Module
- Setup the server :
- Go to Help => Eclipse Marketplace => type Jboss and search => install Jboss Tools 4.5.1 Final
- Download Wildfly 10 and extract the file to a folder
- Go to Windows => Preferences => Server => Runtime Environment => Add => choose Wildfly 10 => point Home Directory where you extracted the Wildfly file
- Setup the database :
- Install MySQL Server (we used version 5.7)
- Setup MySQL : for using the database we used root user with password="password", do the same as it's specified in the files (obviously do not use this for a publicly available implementation, as this is a security risk!)
- In a bash shell or command prompt:
$ mysql -u root -p
- Enter the password ("password")
- In the mysql prompt, type "CREATE DATABASE trackr;"
- Then type : (this sets up the model in the database)
mysql -u root -p trackr < /trackr/tweetdb.sql
- Create a file using your own Twitter API key (not on Github for security reasons). It should contain the following entries: consumerKey, consumerSecret, accessToken and accessTokenSecret. Put it at the address /src/ressources/
- Use the web service :
- Go to the HashtagServlet
- Run As => Run on server (on the first run you will need to create one using the Wildfly runtime)
- Load http://localhost:8080/trackr/ in a browser to use the web app
Please note: there are currently character encoding issues with emoji and certain other non-Latin Unicode characters in the MySQL DB on Windows. If you encounter a SQLException error when making searches on the server, please uncomment line 242 and replace lines 283 - 289 in src/ressources/ with the following code:
try {
catch(GenericJDBCException exception) {
Note that this patch is OS-independent, so will also work if you encounter this error on Linux.
Requests are intended to be made via the web app UI, but you can also view the raw JSON by a http get request to http://localhost:8080/trackr/search.
Parameters :
- hashtag
- longitude
- latitude
- radius
- date
Example : http://localhost:8080/trackr/search?latitude=47.076668&longitude=15.421371&radius=1mi&hashtag=tugraz Will get the tweets around TU Graz coordinates with a 1 mile radius and tugraz as hashtag.