Recipe Swap is a community-based recipe sharing platform that allows users to share, discover, and discuss various recipes. Whether you're a cooking enthusiast or just looking for new culinary ideas, Recipe Swap provides a platform to connect and exchange recipes with others.
- User Authentication with Forgot Password.
- Users can post, add, update, and delete their recipes.
- Users can comment on recipe posts, fostering a sense of community and sharing.
- Users can easily search for recipes based on their preferences.
- User can also able update the avatar.
- Admin has access to data visualization in chart format for insights.
- Admin can manage users and recipes, including adding, updating, and deleting data.
- Front-end:
- Chakra UI for a visually appealing and responsive user interface.
- React.js for building dynamic and interactive components.
- Back-end:
- MongoDB for storing recipe and user data.
- Express.js for handling server-side logic.
- Node.js for server-side scripting and runtime environment.
- User Side:
- Admin Side:
- Admin Login: Email: [email protected] | Password: admin
- Server:
- Landing-Page: This is a landing page following a clean and user-friendly design. Here you can see some static information and dynanic randing for the recipe, you can search and also access the menu items. On the landing page if you click on any recipe you can access the extra information about that recipe(Only for authorized users)
- User-Registration/Login Page : User can register your self with username, email, password and for login use username, password. If you forget the password you can click on the forget password.
- Admin-Login : Use Email :- [email protected] | Password :- admin
- Search : User can search the recipe
- Single Product Page : Here you can see the additional information of the single recipe. You can save, print, rate, share the recipe.
- User-Profile : In this page you can see the user information. You can add, delete, edit, review your own recipe. Additional functionality is that user can also change the password.
- Admin-Dashboard : Admin can login with (Email: [email protected] | Password: admin), after login you can see the dashboard and analyzed the growth with the help of graph.
- User-Analysis : Here admin can count and filter the user and perform the CRUD operations.
- Product-Analysis : Here admin can sort filter the product and also perform the CRUD operations.
To set up the project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd warlike-current-5989/Frontend
run command in terminal
npm install
run project
npm start
Feel free to explore the project using the provided links and discover the world of recipes and culinary creativity!