Python script to run several NS-3 simulations automatically and parse the result files to extract the required information.
Simulations in NS-3 are run from the command line along with its parameter options:
./waf --run " [param1=value1] [param2=value2] ..."
This python script assembles the above script for each ns-3 simulation based on the param/values espeficied inside the python script and then executes it on the command line. After the ns-3 simulation finishes, it generates Mesh Point report files and a Flow Monitor report file that are read by python, the required information is extracted and summarized in csv files.
Simulation are especified inside the python script:
- As a list containing the different strings of param=value pairs for each simulation, or
- By especifying a dictionary with different values for each param, the python script then will combine all those parameter values and execute all simulations resulting from the combination of those parameter values.
Especify these options as arguments to the python script.
python3 combine
Used to especify tests as dictionaries with values for each parameter. This is the preferred method when multiple tests are required.
python3 combine skip=5
Used to continue the execution of the batch tests after it was interrupted.
, causes the script to skip the first 5 tests and continue from test #6.