To call sample swaps given CrosscheckFingerprints and OICR metadata.
CrosscheckFingerprints is designed to call swaps, but two of its limitations prevent that for OICR:
- Grouping samples from the same individual can only be done from the header of the input VCF files. OICR does not encode donor information there.
- There is a single LOD cutoff. If LOD is above, samples are expected to match. The single cutoff works poorly for libraries other than Whole Genome. These libraries tend to have a LOD randomly distributed around an LOD score of 0. OICR needs to pick a range for LOD cutoffs and those ranges need to depend on library type input.
- Ambiguous LOD: an inclusive range that includes an LOD score of 0
- Donor: an individual, a patient.
- Library: sequenced and aligned to generate the BAM file
- Library Design: two letter for library: whole genome (WG), whole transcriptome (WT), etc
- Match: the caller calculates that two libraries are expected to have come from the same donor
- Swap: the donors aren't equal when a match was called or the donors are equal when a match was not called
OICR metadata is expected to be in a JSON file (example).
The mandatory fields are:
- donor: used to detect swaps
- library_name: used to exclude libraries matching themselves
- library_design: to assign ambiguous LOD range
- lims_id: unique key
- merge_key: link OICR metadata to the CrosscheckFingerprints
columns - batches: list of batches the library is in
Ambiguous range is defined for each library design pair in a JSON file (example).
LOD calls outside the ambiguous range behave same as CrosscheckFingerprints. Libraries from the same donor are expected to have positive LOD and negative LOD if from different donors. If that expectation is broken, a swap is called.
LOD within the ambiguous range is more permissive. Libraries with a positive LOD that don't match are not called as a swap. Libraries with a negative LOD that do match are marked as an expected match.
crosscheck-fingerprint-caller --help
usage: crosscheck_fingerprint_caller [-h] [-a AMBIGUOUS_LOD] [-c OUTPUT_CALLS] [-d OUTPUT_DETAILED] [-s SEPERATOR] metadata files [files ...]
Call swaps from CrosscheckFingerprint output
positional arguments:
metadata JSON file of data to merge into CrosscheckFingerprint files
files One or more CrosscheckFingerprint files
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --ambiguous-lod AMBIGUOUS_LOD
JSON file describing what LOD range is inconclusive for a given library design pairing
-c, --output-calls OUTPUT_CALLS
File path for the output swap calls
-d, --output-detailed OUTPUT_DETAILED
File path for all called matches and swaps
-s, --seperator SEPERATOR
The seperator for splitting batch string into individual batches (default `;`)
The call file contains one row for each unique lims_id
. OICR metadata is preserved.
A swap_call
column is added that is True
if swap is called for that library, False
Contains a row for each library pair which are a match and/or a swap.
OICR metadata is preserved.
string is appended to query library columns to distinguish them from query library columns.
The following columns are added:
- pairwise_swap: is this row a swap
- match_called: is this row a match
- same_batch: did the library pair share at least one batch
- overlap_batch: which batches did the libraries share
- swap_call: the swap call for the query library
A bad sample will be compared to all other samples and cause confusion with interpretation. To exclude such a sample, exclude it from the metadata file. It will be ignored.