Generate swagger 2.0 spec based on express 4.x routes, and validate express routes based on swagger specs.
This is pretty much the opposite approach to that of swagger-node-express. Instead of defining a spec and generate a route handle from that, a spec is attached to an already existing express router.
Also currently supports validation of parameters, though that should really be a separate module.
// This must be first to enable enhancing of express' Router and Layer.
var Swagger = require('swagger-2.0-node-express-4.x');
var docs = new Swagger();
var schemas = require('some/schema/definitions');
var express = require('express');
var expressValidator = require('express-validator');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var app = express();
var Router = express.Router;
var router = new Router();
customValidators: Swagger.customValidators
get: {
summary: 'A resource',
parameters: [{
name: 'id',
description: 'An id',
in: 'path',
type: 'string',
// ...
resources: {
200: {}
post: {
// ...
.get(function (req, res) {
res.send({ such: 'data' });
.addInfo(/* swagger info */)
app.get('/swagger.json', function (req, res) {
This will render a swagger file at /swagger.json.
Define a specification of the methods' paramaters and responses for the path. See swagger#pathItemObject. Global (for all methods) parameter validation is not supported yet.
Enables validation of the parameters for all succeeding routes. Sends a 400 response if any parameter does not match the paramter definition.
This is a work in progress and should probably be moved to a separate module.
Creates an object for generating docs.
Sets the info field in the swagger file.
Sets the definitions field in the swagger file.
Sets the basePath field in the swagger file.
Parses an express Router and generates the path object in the swagger file. Must be called after all routes have been added.
Returns the swagger object, to be sent to a client.