This repository has been archived in favor of ~onemoresuza/flake-pkgs on Sourcehut.
My personal NUR repository
To have access to the binary cache, add the following to yout nix.conf
trusted-public-keys =
- Mpv scripts:
- appendURL: Appends url from clipboard to the playlist.
- IRust: Cross Platform Rust Repl.
- Junest: A lightweight Arch Linux based distro.
- PJeOffice: CNJ software for digital signatures for the PJe system.
- aercbook: A minimalistic address book for the aerc e-mail client.
- chawan: A text-mode web browser.
- pass-extension-tail: A pass extension to avoid printing the password to the console.
- pass-sxatm: A simple X autofill tool with menu for pass.
- pdpmake: A public domain POSIX make.
NOTE: these packages are built only against the unstable