w3kipedia was originally a try to participate for the WAM hackathon for a better wikipedia on swarm.
Now w3kipedia-fave is a modified version of w3kipedia that uses FaVe to store, index and search the content.
It has two components
Uploader can read Wikipedia OpenZip format snapshots and upload data to FaVe, ultimately storing content on swarm.
Server will start a http-server that can fetch content from FaVe and display them in the web browser.
cd cmd/server
go build
docker build -f Dockerfile.server --tag w3ki-server .
./server -help
Usage of ./server:
-fave string
FaVe API endpoint ("http://localhost:1234/v1")
-collection string
Collection name to store on FaVe
-port int
port to listen to, read HOST env if not specified, default to 8080 otherwise (default -1)
docker run w3ki-server -h
./server -fave=<FAVE_API_ENDPOINT> -collection=<COLLECTION_NAME>
docker run \
-p 8080:8080 \
w3ki-server -fave=<FAVE_API_ENDPOINT> -collection=<COLLECTION_NAME>
This will start a local http-serve which will serve wikipedia content on port :8080
Indexer uses FaVe to store content and index them for doing semantic search. It is sanitizing the Article content and vectorizing it to do FaVe Nearest Neighbour Search.
Server lists all the items in the server with "text/html" mimetype.
For showing the content it checks "GET" request on "/wiki/XXXX". it reads the "XXXX" relative url, then finds the entry for that item in the FaVe/FairOS-dfs document store, downloads the content and sends it back as response.
this project uses code that is MIT licensed