This is a simple, survey-based tool, to help teams assess where they currently are on their DevOps journey and to help them identify next steps for further improvement.
This is a PHP application that should run on any server that supports PHP 5.6 or higher with Mod_Rewrite enabled.
- Survey questions are configured in questions.json
- When a user first accesses the survey, all the questions are loaded into session storage
- As the user completes the survey, their responses are saved in session storage
- Loading questions, processing responses, and generating summary results is all managed by the Survey class defined in survey.php
- Rendering of the survey is performed by collectResponses.php
- Rendering of the survey results is performed by viewResults.php
- Layout uses customised Bootstrap 4.1.3
- Rendering charts uses Chart.js 2.7.2
- Icons from Font Awesome Free 5.3.1
This source code is released under the MIT license. Bootstrap and Chart.js are also released under the MIT license. Font Awesome Free and Comfortaa is provided under the SIL OFL 1.1 License
- Atos and Worldline experts who have contributed to formulation of the questions and creation of the application
- Bootstrap
- Chart.js
- Font Awesome Free
- Comfortaa Font
- Markus Spiske for background image, published on Unsplash
- Vojtech Bruzek for og-image.jpg, published on Unsplash