In this version
If link functions are not specified in bnec, then the default link function is used; previous versions of bayesnec used the identity link.
An additional family has been added betabinomial2 for over dispersered binomial data.
The package supports using link functions for generalized modelling, which appears to be more stable and is also in line with more typical generalised modelling approaches.
There are multiple options for model weights calculation from the loo package. The default is "pseudobma BB".
There is now a compare_posterior function that also includes a bootstrapping procedure. This can be used to compare model fits across different datasets, or even different model sets for the same dataset (ie nec v ecx models). Please see the vignette for examples of usage.
There is a vignette detailing the models available in bayesnec. Note that not all models are suitable for all families, and also depending if link functions are used.
A new check_chains function has been added to allow chain plotting in base R and that works more smoothly with plotting chains for multiple fits for bayesmanec objects.