Release v0.10.0
- externalize general go utilities in packages pkg{errors,exceptions,generics,finalizer} (#761)
- Bump the go group with 12 updates (#768)
- feat: add silent flag and fix dry run with prerequisites (#767)
- let's get rid of reuse PendingDeprecationWarning (#765)
- fix: stop ignoring most of the errors (#745)
- feat: add uninstall command to the controller (#766)
- Create codeql.yml (#764)
- Npm/auth access (#757)
- Bump the go group with 7 updates (#763)
- Bump the ci group with 2 updates (#762)
- Fix ocm issue 179, block in config yields invalid yaml (#734)
- add cleanup to action for self hosted runner (#760)
- add negative test for non-semver version (#759)
- Don't Panik! (#758)
- Bump the go group with 3 updates (#751)
- Bump github.com/fluxcd/cli-utils from 0.36.0-flux.6 to 0.36.0-flux.7 (#752)