Files with Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) and submission dates as provided by the UNFCCC secreteriat.
INDCs are downloaded from the INDC portal.
Click forward and back in the INDC portal to get a full list of submitted INDCs.
The resulting full table needs to be manually saved from the Developer Tools.
The saved HTML file is parsed to generate a CSV file with links and submissions
dates. For convenience all INDCs and accompanying files are downloaded, converted
to PDF (for .doc, .docx and .xps files) and renamed in the pdfs
Python3 and the libraries in scripts/requirements.txt
are used. A Virtualenv
is created automatically in the Makefile.
to download and generate a indcs.csv
file and download the INDC files.
A couple of Python libraries have further dependencies.
brew antiword icu4c libgxps poppler unrtf tesseract swig poppler
may require explicit linking:
brew link icu4c --force
To run LibreOffice from the command line a simple bash wrapper is required:
~/Applications/ "$@"
On Debian/Ubuntu systems:
sudo apt install libgxps-utils libicu-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev antiword \
unrtf poppler-utils pstotext tesseract-ocr flac ffmpeg lame \
libmad0 libsox-fmt-mp3 sox libjpeg-dev swig
Please refer to the INDC portal for updates of submissions.
The Python files in scripts
are released under an
CC0 Public Dedication License.