Releases: opendatadiscovery/odd-platform
- Support primary and sort keys flags @DementevNikita (#762)
- SLA MVP @DementevNikita (#773)
- migrate Alerts to redux-toolkit @NelyDavtyan (#771)
- migrate collectors to redux toolkit @NelyDavtyan (#765)
- migrate datasource to redux toolkit @NelyDavtyan (#763)
- Fix tags 745 @NelyDavtyan (#764)
- migrate tags to redux toolkit @NelyDavtyan (#761)
- Migrate Labels section to Redux toolkit (Issue #748) @NelyDavtyan (#759)
- Fix DataTransformer history selector @DementevNikita (#760)
- Alerts for data transformers @damirabdul (#758)
- Use r2dbc database client @damirabdul (#747)
- Forbid to delete entity from datasource's deg @Leshe4ka (#743)
- Add/remove data entity with DEG relations API @damirabdul (#716)
- Create hollow entities on DQT relation ingestion payload @DementevNikita (#740)
- Fix arithmetic division by zero in the DatasetTestReport API @DementevNikita (#729)
- Support DataTransformerRuns in the platform @DementevNikita (#724)
- Lineage improvements. Hide load more button. @damirabdul (#694)
- [Backend] - DatasetField refactoring. @Chismur (#700)
- Data Entity's overview test report shows stats of test runs instead of tests @DementevNikita (#718)
- Support multiple session providers @DementevNikita (#712)
- Gitbook activity @Anna-EG (#705)
- Refactor Enums to reactive approach @esmeneev (#692)
- Cast Integer to Long @damirabdul (#706)
- Enhance gradle build script @DementevNikita (#697)
- Migration from CRA to Vite @Leshe4ka (#699)
- Enhance READMEs @DementevNikita (#693)
@Anna-EG, @Chismur, @DementevNikita, @Leshe4ka, @damirabdul and @esmeneev
ODD Platform v0.5 adds new features to the mix:
- Domains — a new entity that enables and makes it easier for users to logically group their entities
- Terms and Dictionary — two new entities for providing additional context to metadata. The entities help users to create terms, assign owners and namespaces, and provide necessary descriptions, to easily create a comprehensive dictionary describing data.
- Custom OAuth login page — applied if there are two or more OAuth providers registered in the system
Some of the platform’s API entities were rewritten from scratch, to enable users to take advantage of a fully reactive approach. We also added R2DBC jOOQ support. The enhancements were completed as a part of reactive refactoring procedures, to improve stabilization. The Provectus team will continue to integrate a soft-delete approach in future releases.
As usual, this release includes bug fixes and maintenance work that further advance the performance, reliability, and usability of the ODD Platform.
The First Open-Source Data Discovery (ODD) and Observability Platform is a work in progress. We invite the data community to contribute to the project, to help us realize our vision.
- Add custom OAuth login page @DementevNikita (#626)
- Fix docker-compose command in the demo README file @DementevNikita (#625)
- Fix datasource creation/update @damirabdul (#604)
- Enhance local demo and local demo documentation @DementevNikita (#600)
- Reactive Refactoring: Namespace, DataSource, Collector @DementevNikita (#587)
- Set up codeowners file @Haarolean (#590)
- Gitbook activity @Anna-EG (#578)
- Fix recursive infinite loop in the Alerts API @DementevNikita (#582)
- Decomposed autocompletes @Leshe4ka (#577)
- Fixed bug with checkbox. @Leshe4ka (#580)
- Uplift Spring Boot version 2.5.0 -> 2.6.2 @DementevNikita (#576)
- Add mapstruct configuration @damirabdul (#567)
- Implement sonarcloud scans @Haarolean (#557)
- Gitbook activity @Anna-EG (#564)
- Rollback d3-selection package. @Leshe4ka (#563)
- Fixed bug with token value equals null. @Leshe4ka (#559)
- enhancement/updating-packages @alinamiryuk (#546)
- Reactive jooq support @damirabdul (#553)
- Rename data entity fields according to ODD specification @alinamiryuk (#544)
@Anna-EG, @DementevNikita, @Haarolean, @Leshe4ka, @alinamiryuk and @damirabdul
- Collector support
- DataSource token support
- User now is able to press a button to copy ODDRN on the overview page
- Add updated by information to alerts
- Show ODD Platform installation version in the UI
- Pagination for DataQualityTestRuns
- Improved test coverage
Comment: 102 integration tests for repo layer
- A number of fixed Dependabot detected vulnerabilities on the UI side
- Node uplift (14 -> 16)
- Display long JSON-typed metadata properly
- UI enhancements
- Fixes duplicate entities in the response when paginating
- Fixed lineage upstream bug
- Fill updated_at field when entity is updated
- Other UI and API bugfixes
v0.4.0 - beta
- enhancement/mui-checkbox-wrapper @alinamiryuk (#471)
- Remove triage process @DementevNikita (#485)
- Upgrade Node version in the UI's build.gradle @DementevNikita (#483)
- Add order by id to alerts and data entity @damirabdul (#470)
- Updated project deps @Leshe4ka (#481)
- Gitbook activity @Anna-EG (#468)
- Bugfix/long data quality test overflow @Denisalik (#469)
- Enhancement/updating packages @Denisalik (#467)
- Fixed bug with long oddrn in datasource. @Leshe4ka (#450)
- Fixed bug with alerts in "My objects" tab. @Leshe4ka (#466)
- Add updated by information to alerts @damirabdul (#464)
- [Backend] - Roles Integration tests. Initial commit @Chismur (#455)
- [Backend] - Tags Integration tests. Initial commit @Chismur (#434)
- Fixed lineage upstream bug. @Leshe4ka (#461)
- Dependency vulnerabilities fix @Leshe4ka (#457)
- Fill updated_at field when entity is updated @damirabdul (#456)
- Feature/copy oddrn @Denisalik (#435)
- Enhance README file @DementevNikita (#433)
- Disable namespace update with non-unique name @damirabdul (#451)
- Sync spring versions in odd-platform-api and odd-platform-api-contract @DementevNikita (#447)
- Update latest tag of GHCR image after release @RustamGimadiev (#418)
- added paddings for every overview list @Denisalik (#437)
- Enhancement/mui wrappers for menu&menuitem @alinamiryuk (#419)
- sort task runs in desc order @damirabdul (#444)
- fixed search page styles @Denisalik (#417)
- Enhancement/node update @Leshe4ka (#440)
- Updated node version to 16.4.0 @Leshe4ka (#439)
- fetch has alerts info @damirabdul (#432)
- Changed dependabot version @Leshe4ka (#420)
- Implemented dependabot.yaml @Leshe4ka (#401)
- Pagination for data quality test runs @Leshe4ka (#408)
- feature/version @alinamiryuk (#403)
- alert status works correcttly @alinamiryuk (#410)
🚀 Features
- feature/long-json-in-metadata @alinamiryuk (#412)
@Anna-EG, @Chismur, @DementevNikita, @Denisalik, @Leshe4ka, @RustamGimadiev, @alinamiryuk and @damirabdul
What's Changed
- alert status works correcttly by @alinamiryuk in #410
- feature/version by @alinamiryuk in #403
- Pagination for data quality test runs by @Leshe4ka in #408
- Implemented dependabot.yaml by @Leshe4ka in #401
- Changed dependabot version by @Leshe4ka in #420
- fetch has alerts info by @damirabdul in #432
- Updated node version to 16.4.0 by @Leshe4ka in #439
- Enhancement/node update by @Leshe4ka in #440
- fixed search page styles by @Denisalik in #417
- sort task runs in desc order by @damirabdul in #444
- Enhancement/mui wrappers for menu&menuitem by @alinamiryuk in #419
- added paddings for every overview list by @Denisalik in #437
- Update latest tag of GHCR image after release by @RustamGimadiev in #418
- Sync spring versions in odd-platform-api and odd-platform-api-contract by @DementevNikita in #447
- Disable namespace update with non-unique name by @damirabdul in #451
- Enhance README file by @DementevNikita in #433
- Feature/copy oddrn by @Denisalik in #435
- Fill updated_at field when entity is updated by @damirabdul in #456
- Dependency vulnerabilities fix by @Leshe4ka in #457
- Fixed lineage upstream bug. by @Leshe4ka in #461
- [Backend] - Tags Integration tests. Initial commit by @Chismur in #434
- [Backend] - Roles Integration tests. Initial commit by @Chismur in #455
- Add updated by information to alerts by @damirabdul in #464
- Fixed bug with alerts in "My objects" tab. by @Leshe4ka in #466
- Fixed bug with long oddrn in datasource. by @Leshe4ka in #450
- Enhancement/updating packages by @Denisalik in #467
- Bugfix/long data quality test overflow by @Denisalik in #469
- Gitbook activity by @Anna-EG in #468
- Updated project deps by @Leshe4ka in #481
- Add order by id to alerts and data entity by @damirabdul in #470
- Upgrade Node version in the UI's build.gradle by @DementevNikita in #483
- Remove triage process by @DementevNikita in #485
- enhancement/mui-checkbox-wrapper by @alinamiryuk in #471
- feature/long-json-in-metadata by @alinamiryuk in #412
- Feature/register datasources from collector mock by @damirabdul in #489
- Enhancement/cleaning overrides by @Denisalik in #493
- Align data source collector request with the latest ODD Spec by @DementevNikita in #511
- [Backend] - Ownership Refactoring. Initial commit by @Chismur in #502
- enhancement/redesign-data-entity-metadata-section by @alinamiryuk in #490
- [Backend] - Owner Integration tests. Initial commit by @Chismur in #492
- Unit tests for IngestionService by @esmeneev in #491
- Add tokens by @MaximTereshin in #445
- add condition to filters by @damirabdul in #516
- Do not run frontend tests if no FE files have been changed by @Haarolean in #486
- Update README contacts' list by @DementevNikita in #519
- Collector frontend by @alinamiryuk in #517
- Updated frontend packages. by @Leshe4ka in #520
- Fix husky run on CI by @Haarolean in #526
- Fix husky run locally in case when husky is not installed previously by @Haarolean in #533
- Fixed lineage bug. by @Leshe4ka in #531
- updating packages for dependabot by @alinamiryuk in #529
- Update auto labeler configuration by @Haarolean in #534
New Contributors
- @alinamiryuk made their first contribution in #410
- @esmeneev made their first contribution in #491
- @MaximTereshin made their first contribution in #445
Full Changelog: 0.3.3...0.4.0-beta