What's Changed
- Added lint to Makefile by @dhirajsb in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#1
- Fix golangci-lint local install instructions by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#4
- Made pkg private, refactored metadata_library.go by @dhirajsb in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#3
- Update issue templates by @dhirajsb in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#8
- Reproducible builds by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#6
- Serve correct grpc listener by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#19
- Avoid repeated nil check by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#27
- Implement gRPC GetArtifactType by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#26
- Fixed #35, refactor DB schema by @dhirajsb in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#36
- Remove wrong copyright headers by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#49
- Add Dockerfile for registry, part of #15, fixes #40 by @dhirajsb in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#42
- Add first draft of Data Access Layer, with test by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#34
- Integrate MR GitHub issues into ODH dashboard by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#54
- Add support for reading config file using viper, fixes #12 by @dhirajsb in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#48
- Update GHA to use github-app token by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#56
- Fixes #11, add gRPC to/from DB type converter by @dhirajsb in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#38
- Define the Model Registry OpenAPI by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#51
- Bump golang.org/x/net from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#69
- Extend GHA to cover for Docker build by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#64
- Enhance GHA to check uncommitted changes by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#63
- Add build status badge on README by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#71
- Refactor model registry openapi definition. by @dhirajsb in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#66
- Implement MR service layer by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#68
- Fix MetadataValue to use named property value types, add registeredModelID query param by @dhirajsb in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#75
- Setup image build and push to quay by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#72
- Metadata mapping OpenAPI/gRPC for Bool and Struct by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#84
- Manage prefix for owned entities by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#79
- Add in REST findModelArtifact modelVersionID query param by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#81
- Bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.57.0 to 1.57.1 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#86
- Export QUAY_ORG for latest tag by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#88
- Adding the tracker template for issue creation by @rareddy in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#91
- Rename tracker.md to tracker.yml by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#92
- Create dependabot.yml by @dhirajsb in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#94
- Bump ubi8/ubi-minimal from 8.6 to 8.8 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#97
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#98
- Bump github.com/vektah/gqlparser/v2 from 2.5.8 to 2.5.10 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#99
- Bump gorm.io/gorm from 1.25.4 to 1.25.5 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#103
- Bump golang.org/x/sync from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#101
- Bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.57.1 to 1.59.0 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#102
- Bump github.com/spf13/viper from 1.16.0 to 1.17.0 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#100
- Automate ml-metadata proto download by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#89
- Skip pr checks when changing files not affecting the build by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#106
- Improve core layer testing by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#85
- Bump github.com/docker/docker from 24.0.6+incompatible to 24.0.7+incompatible by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#111
- workflows: fix branch restriction on pull requests by @isinyaaa in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#112
- Bump github.com/google/uuid from 1.3.1 to 1.4.0 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#114
- Bump gorm.io/driver/sqlite from 1.5.3 to 1.5.4 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#115
- Bump github.com/99designs/gqlgen from 0.17.36 to 0.17.40 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#116
- Bump github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-go from 0.25.0 to 0.26.0 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#117
- Bump github.com/grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware/v2 from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#118
- Improve core layer optional params management by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#113
- Add property description to BaseResourceUpdate by @dhirajsb in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#119
- Update the README by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#124
- Implement core layer mapper using Goverter by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#123
- Bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#126
- Bump golang.org/x/sync from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#127
- Implement REST API Server for Model Registry by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#108
- Add Python client by @isinyaaa in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#77
- Implement Model Serving API in the GO Core layer by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#128
- Move runtime from Artifact to InferenceService by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#134
- Change mlmd hostname and port cmdline options to k8s style hyphen case by @dhirajsb in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#136
- Update(Dockerfile): Use ubi9 images that contains required glibc vers… by @rkubis in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#135
- Minor fixes for py client by @isinyaaa in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#132
- Make model registry core importable as library by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#140
- Create BuildListOption for REST query params by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#139
- python check: do not ignore the workflow itself by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#146
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#143
- Improve converter testing by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#141
- Make core models importable by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#149
- Fix docker compose setup by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#142
- Update build-image-pr.yml: switch to pull_request event by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#153
- Fix core library issue by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#154
- Revert "Update(Dockerfile): Use ubi9 images that contains required gl… by @rkubis in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#150
- Remove go-server code from repository by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#155
- gha: upload code coverage to codecov.io by @dtrifiro in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#163
- Use canAddFields option in mlmd type setup by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#160
- Fix GetModelArtifactByParams when no results by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#165
- gha: set up go code coverage using codecov.io by @dtrifiro in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#171
- Fix strict symbol validation in MR Python client by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#168
- python client: fix duplicated imports by @dtrifiro in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#179
- python client: improve ci by @dtrifiro in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#180
- Fix format logging and make ModelRegistryService public by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#183
- Implement RobotFramework variants by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#158
- Remove BDD with Godog, as now using RobotFramework by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#162
- Add state properties for RegisteredModel, ModelVersion, and InferenceService by @dhirajsb in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#185
- Add autogenerated type asserts for new states by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#197
- Override not editable fields during updates by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#200
- py: add ruff rules by @isinyaaa in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#181
- Python client: Fix docs by @isinyaaa in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#201
- build(deps): bump github.com/golang/glog from 1.1.2 to 1.2.0 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#202
- GHA: Minor fixes for py CI jobs by @isinyaaa in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#203
- Align MLMD Properties for Artifact by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#205
- Align author in OpenAPI and Core layer by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#189
- Fix python client MR type definitions by @isinyaaa in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#209
- Introduce higher-level API for py client by @isinyaaa in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#210
- Improve core testing using single test container by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#213
- Enhance go API for serving by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#219
- Add go core library documentation by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#207
- py: Fix typo in README.md by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#222
- Improve err mgmt when providing wrong entity by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#220
- py: types: add state property to contexts by @isinyaaa in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#223
- Lint entire python client source on nox session by @isinyaaa in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#231
- Document helpful tips for dev on Apple-silicon/ARM by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#215
- build(deps): bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#232
- build(deps): bump github.com/spf13/viper from 1.17.0 to 1.18.1 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#234
- build(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#233
- GHA: add workflow to publish python client on PyPI by @isinyaaa in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#230
- GHA: fix python release action by @isinyaaa in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#239
- Fix typo: move opeanpi -> openapi by @isinyaaa in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#241
- robot: fix Python client import by @isinyaaa in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#240
- GHA: fetch tags on Python release checkout action by @isinyaaa in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#244
- py: using Testcontainers and test strategy as go by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#225
- Change state to desiredState for InferenceService by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#243
- Fix rest params order by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#245
- build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.59.0 to 1.60.0 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#247
- build(deps): bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#250
- build(deps): bump github.com/google/uuid from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#248
- build(deps): bump github.com/containerd/containerd from 1.7.7 to 1.7.11 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#253
- build(deps): bump github.com/go-chi/chi/v5 from 5.0.10 to 5.0.11 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#255
- build(deps): bump github.com/spf13/viper from 1.18.1 to 1.18.2 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#257
- build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.60.0 to 1.60.1 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#258
- build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.31.0 to 1.32.0 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#259
- build(deps-dev): bump jinja2 from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 in /clients/python by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#264
- ADR: Remote-only packaging of MLMD Python lib by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#261
- New(workflow): Run Robot Framework tests with every push by @rkubis in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#208
- Py: Add support for importing models from Hugging Face Hub by @isinyaaa in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#260
- fix Dockerfile NodeJS version for openapi-generator-cli by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#273
- build(deps): bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#270
- Decouple MLMD types setup from Go core library by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#267
- chore: Add kind integration test, fixes kubeflow#251 by @dhirajsb in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#252
- [RHOAIENG-2111] Added Dockerfile without generation phase by @lampajr in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#274
- fix: update image build and push to handle tags, fixes RHOAIENG-2300 by @dhirajsb in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#276
- Remove ODH tracker.yml by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#266
- remove auto-add-issue-to-project.yml by @tarilabs in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#275
- Updated depreciated [return] commands to use the RETURN keyword on robot tests by @tonyxrmdavidson in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#268
New Contributors
- @dhirajsb made their first contribution in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#1
- @lampajr made their first contribution in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#4
- @tarilabs made their first contribution in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#6
- @dependabot made their first contribution in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#69
- @rareddy made their first contribution in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#91
- @isinyaaa made their first contribution in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#112
- @rkubis made their first contribution in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#135
- @dtrifiro made their first contribution in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#163
- @tonyxrmdavidson made their first contribution in opendatahub-io/model-registry-bf4-kf#268
Full Changelog: https://github.com/opendatahub-io/model-registry/commits/v0.1.0