Sound spatialization in OpenMusic using Spat.
OM-Spat is a library for the creation and rendering of spatial scenes in OpenMusic. The scenes are represented as matrix-like objects associating sound sources and spatial trajectories.
OM-Spat implements a storage of the source trajectories and spatial attributes using the SDIF format. Generated SDIF files can be rendered by the Spat-renderer kernel or streamed to real-time environments via the Spat-SDIF-Player (applications to be installed separately).
This program is free software. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
This library does NOT include Spat sources or binaries, which must be installed separately and (if necessary) located in the Spat section of OM Preferences/Libraries tab.
Design and development: Jean Bresson, IRCAM Representations Musicales.
Contributions: Marlon Schumacher, (CIRMMT / McGill University).
OM-Spat is inspired from previous works by Carlos Agon and Gilbert Nouno.
Spat renderer by Thibaut Carpentier, IRCAM Acoustic and Cognitive Spaces.