This is a single Ratpack example service with 2 endpoints that show usage of simple request/response timing, http client call timing, local spans and context propagation with Ratpack ParallelBatch.
The 3 endpoints are:
Generates a single UUID with request/response tracing
Generates a single UUID by performing an HTTP client request to /generate.
Generates many UUIDs by calling /generate with an HTTP client request. Before making a remote HTTP client call a local span is created. All client calls are executed concurrently using a ParallelBatch.
Here's an example of what /remote/generatemany looks like
TODO add screenshot
#Implementation Overview Web request are served by Ratpack, which traces request by using Brave Ratpack plugin.
These traces are sent out of process over http to Zipkin.
#Running the example This example has a single service which calls itself for the /remote/* endpoints.
Once the service is started, open one of the 3 URLs, http://localhost:5050/generate; http://localhost:5050/remote/generate; http://localhost:5050/remote/generatemany
Next, you can view traces via http://localhost:9411/zipkin/?serviceName=example
- This is a locally run Zipkin service which keeps traces in memory
##Starting the Services Run the Ratpack example:
$ ./mvnw compile exec:java
Next, run Zipkin, which stores and queries traces reported by the above service.
$ curl -sSL | bash -s
$ java -jar zipkin.jar