This repository contains the Docker build definition and release process for openzipkin/zipkin-azure.
This layers Microsoft Azure support on the base zipkin docker image.
Currently, this adds Event Hub Collector support
You can use any existing env variables from Zipkin. Here's adding the variables needed for Event Hub:
docker run \
-e 'EVENTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING=Endpoint=sb://your_eventhub_address;SharedAccessKeyName=your_key_name;SharedAccessKey=your_key' \
-e 'EVENTHUB_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING=DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=your_account_name;AccountKey=your_account_key' \
-d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin-azure
Configuration is via environment variables, defined by zipkin-azure.
In docker, the following can also be set:
* `JAVA_OPTS`: Use to set java arguments, such as heap size or trust store location.
Event Hub Configuration variables are detailed here.