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Releases: openzipkin/brave-cassandra

Brave Cassandra 0.13

08 Jan 04:53
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Brave Cassandra 0.13 changes the Apache Cassandra Tracing implementation to 4.1.x, dropping support for 3.x. This was tested on Apache Cassandra 4.1.3. This also adds the local endpoint information to the spans sent to Zipkin.

Brave Cassandra 0.12

08 Jan 04:11
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Brave Cassandra 0.12 updates to the latest Brave 5.18. This is the last version to support Cassandra 3.x. Thanks to @TeamModerne OpenRewrite recipe for help migrating to junit jupiter!

Brave Cassandra 0.11

29 Nov 00:09
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Brave Cassandra 0.11 is tested against latest Cassandra 3.11.9 with thanks to @bsideup switching our integration tests to use Docker. It includes the following features and fixes:

brave-instrumentation-cassandra - Trace instrumentation for Apache Cassandra

  • Fixes an AssertionError when zipkin.http_endpoint was incorrect
  • Adds -Dzipkin.fail_fast=true to force Cassandra to exit if zipkin.http_endpoint is incorrect

brave-instrumentation-cassandra-driver - Trace instrumentation for DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra 3.x

  • OSGi metadata was added. thanks @reta for verifying this is setup correctly
  • Fixed missing remoteEndpoint.ip

Brave Cassandra 0.10.4

21 Oct 14:39
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This moves to most recent library versions and off deprecated apis.

Brave Cassandra v0.10.2

18 Mar 11:38
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Brave Cassandra v0.10.2 is our first Apache release. It fixes a propagation bug where client traces reset as opposed to continuing into Cassandra server.