Release 1.5.2
Changes since 1.5.2..
- d907017 2024-08-13 16:42:10 -0700 - (HEAD, tag: 1.5.2, origin/master) Merge branch 'develop'
- db205f3 2024-08-13 16:42:02 -0700 - Merge branch '110000' into develop
- a3931ef 2024-08-13 16:41:13 -0700 - 110002 cleanups
- b03b976 2024-08-12 22:43:34 -0700 - Put the autoRepair option back
- 3b011e7 2024-08-11 18:13:11 -0700 - iHave includes more bank
- 20f64f3 2024-08-06 23:11:03 -0700 - Show what is in the WarBand Bank