#Erlang Reloader
This is a mirror of the MochiWeb reloader. It will monitor every loaded Erlang module's BEAM file for modifications, checking once a second and reloading the BEAM if it has changed (that is, it has been recompiled). The loaded module list is updated every second, so newly loaded modules are detected.
Use this project it for applications that need a code reloader in development that don't require anything else that MochiWeb provides.
Add the following to your rebar.config
{reloader, ".*", {git, "git://github.com/oinksoft/reloader.git", "master"}}
And run rebar get-deps
followed by rebar compile
Start the reloader with your application (here is an example for a
>> erl -pa ebin -boot start_sasl \
-name [email protected] \
-s nuclear_ant \
-s reloader
SASL output omitted ...
Eshell V5.9.3 (abort with ^G)
([email protected])1>
After recompiling nuclear_ant_server.erl
Reloading nuclear_ant_server ... ok.
And now the latest build of nuclear_ant_server
is loaded.