We are going to write a program called Fizz Buzzer. The requirements for the program are as follows:
1)take an integer as input:
- print out "Fizz" if the integer is a multiple of 3
- print out "Buzz" if the integer is a multiple of 5
- print "FizzBuzz" if the integer is a multiple of 3 and 5
2)prints out all the numbers given from a range, printing out "Fizz", "Buzz" and "Fizzbuzz" following the rules from above.
Possible Edge Cases to think about.
- How do we handle an empty input?
- How do we handle zero?
- How do we handle negative numbers?
- How do handle invalid numbers?
- How do we handle invalid ranges?
Part 1
FizzBuzzer.buzz_me(3) #=> "Fizz"
FizzBuzzer.buzz_me(7) #=> "7"
FizzBuzzer.buzz_me(5) #=> "Buzz"
FizzBuzzer.buzz_me(15) #=> "FizzBuzz"
FizzBuzzer.buzz_me(6) #=> "6"
Part 2
#=> "1"
#=> "2"
#=> "Fizz"
#=> "4"
#=> "Buzz"
#=> "6"
#=> "14"
#=> "FizzBuzz"
#=> ....