List of fixed issues and improvements
Fixed impossible to save negative integers via API
Moved JS assets from web/bundles to web/js
Fixed 500 error on login check URL for logged in user
Fixed Parent ACL ignored in a child controller applied using bundle inheritance but without routing
Updated styles for mobile calendar
Fixed default message and default css don't show on embedded create form
Fixed inefficient activity list rendering cause exceptions on deleted emails
Improved behavior of the sticky button with actions on create a record page
Fixed impossible to retrieve custom fields for Address with API call
Fixed installer cannot determine path to Nodejs on Windows
Fixed Organization Business Units control
Fixed paths in assets after changing application URLs
Implemented record IP addresses of login attempts
Fixed dump JS routes
Implemented separate Session Configuration for Management Console and Storefront
Fixed focus constantly jumping between menu search and active popup
Updated change logs and upgraded instructions in packages and applications
Replaced git with https in NPM package references
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