List of fixed issues and improvements
Fixed Workflow step column automatically added to reports
Fixed exceptions in WSSE nonce cache under heavy load
Implemented Detailed Log on Message Processing Failure
Implemented Non-Idempotent Requests
Fixed Email imap synchronization ERROR: date/time field value out of range
Implemented OAuth 2.0 Client Credential Flow for Management API
Implemented case insensitive Usernames
Implemented reset websocket connect counter on successful connection
Fixed DB log errors during unique job scheduling
Fixed wrong padding and alignment in query designer
Fixed broken styles of add reminders control on create event form
Optimized working time of npm install and webpack build
Removed the page with UI-sample elements in the Management Console
Fixed incorrect rendering of calendar event description
Fixed Send Email widget
Fixed extra element in Jobs List grid row
Fixed application CLI doesn't work without dev dependencies
Fixed wrong scroll behavior in inline grids
Fixed API configuration (Resources/config/oro/api.yml) cache auto invalidation
Fixed Search weight overrides relevance in ORM search sorting
Improved performance of datagrid metadata extraction
Fixed search index does not contain data for the field without target_fields parameter
Added entity attribute caching
Fixed image filters are not loaded for exception page
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