Selenium - Java tutorial in Tamil language
Tutorials can help you to learn, but you cannot become expert in it until you practice. Feel free to use our site LetCode
While learning it is very common to have doubts, to enhnance your learning I am ready to support you as much as I can do.
- Course overview
- JDK installation, Eclipse & Maven project setup
- Hello world | Java Basic | Selenium தமிழ் | LetCode
- Data types | Java Basic | Selenium தமிழ் | LetCode
- Methods in Java - Part 1 | Java Basic | Selenium தமிழ் | LetCode
- Methods in Java - Part 2 | Java Basic | Selenium தமிழ் | LetCode
- Local & Instance variable, this keyword | Java Basic | Selenium தமிழ் | LetCode
- Constructor in Java | Java Basic | Selenium தமிழ் | LetCode
- Static variable in Java | Java Basic | Selenium தமிழ் | LetCode
- Static function in Java | Java Basic | Selenium தமிழ் | LetCode
- Arrays | Arrays.toString | Java Basic | Selenium தமிழ் | LetCode
- What is Selenium? | Selenium தமிழ் | LetCode
- How to launch browser | Selenium தமிழ் | LetCode
- Understanding DOM - HTML/CSS | Selenium தமிழ்
- Locators in Selenium | Selenium தமிழ்
- Handling Inputs | Selenium தமிழ்
- Driver Navaigation Commands | Selenium தமிழ்
- Handking Buttons | Selenium தமிழ்
- ScreenShot | Selenium தமிழ்
- Alert | Selenium தமிழ்
- Frames | Selenium தமிழ்
- How to maximize browser | Selenium தமிழ்
- Implicit Wait | Selenium தமிழ்
- Drag & Drop | Selenium தமிழ்
- Drag & Drop By | Selenium தமிழ்
- Mouse Hover | Selenium தமிழ்
- Right Click | Selenium தமிழ்
- DropDown - Select | Selenium தமிழ்
- Get Text VS Get Attribute | Selenium தமிழ்
- Close vs Quit | Selenium தமிழ்
- How to do Validation | Selenium தமிழ்
- Use of System.setProperty and why we need it | Selenium தமிழ்
- Use of Submit() | Selenium தமிழ்
- Interact with element without finding element | Selenium தமிழ்
- What is Interface & How to use ? | Selenium தமிழ்
- What is Abstract class | Selenium தமிழ்
- Inheritance in Java | Selenium தமிழ்
- List & Set | Selenium தமிழ்
- Find Elements | Selenium தமிழ்
- Window Handling | Selenium தமிழ்
- Web Table | Selenium தமிழ்
- Explicti Wait - WebDriver Wait | Selenium தமிழ்
- Exception Handling | Selenium தமிழ்
- Throw VS Throws | Selenium தமிழ்
1. TestNG Part - 1 | Intro & Installation
2. TestNG Part - 2 | How to run multiple tests using XML
3. TestNG Part - 3 | Parallel Execution
4. TestNG Part - 4 | Attributes 1
5. TestNG Part - 5 | Attributes 2
6. TestNG Part - 6 | Attributes 3
7. TestNG Part - 7 | Attributes 4
8. TestNG Part - 8 | Attributes 5
9. TestNG Part - 9 | Attributes 6
10. TestNG Part - 10 | Parameters
11. TestNG Part - 11 | Parameters in detail
12. TetsNG Part - 12 | Data Provider - Part 1
13. TestNG – Data Provider – Part 2 (Data provider class, indices)
14. TestNG – Data Provider – Part 3 (Parallel, is name mandatory, Parameter & DP)
15. Read Data From Excel - Part 1 | Selenium தமிழ்