This program is an Html generator for Common Lisp.
Why another one?
I want programmatically generate and process Html. In particular I want to
- Store Html in variables
- Use Html as a function argument
- Use Html as a function return value
To achieve this, we transform symbolic expressions into lists of tag structures. The method print-html then prints its input as properly escaped Html.
We only use common-lisp.
(defpackage print-html
(:use :common-lisp)
(:export :render :print-html :print-html-to-string :html :unsafe))
(in-package :print-html)
(defvar *self-closing-tags*
(list :area :base :br :col :command :embed :frame :hr :img :input :keygen
:link :menuitem :meta :param :source :track :wbr)
"List of self closing tags.")
The RENDER method is called by PRINT-HTML to map an object into something that PRINT-HTML is specialized for. By default, RENDER calls princ-to-string.
(defgeneric render (object)
(:method (object)
(princ-to-string object)))
The interpreter. Calls render for objects it is not specialized for.
(defgeneric print-html (object stream)
(:method (object stream)
(print-html (render object) stream))
(:method ((char character) stream)
(case char
(#\< (write-string "<" stream))
(#\> (write-string ">" stream))
(#\& (write-string "&" stream))
(#\" (write-string """ stream))
(t (write-char char stream))))
(:method ((string string) stream)
(map nil (lambda (char) (print-html char stream)) string))
(:method ((list list) stream)
(dolist (object list)
(print-html object stream))))
Print OBJECT to string. Note: This function is also used to escape attributes.
(defun print-html-to-string (object)
(with-output-to-string (stream)
(print-html object stream)))
(defstruct tag name attrs children)
(defmethod print-html ((self tag) stream)
(print-html (tag-children self) stream))
(defmethod print-html :before ((self tag) stream)
(format stream "~&<~(~a~)~{ ~(~a~)=~s~}>" (tag-name self)
(loop for (k v) on (tag-attrs self) by #'cddr when v
collect (print-html-to-string k) and
collect (print-html-to-string (if (eq v t) k v)))))
(defmethod print-html :after ((self tag) stream)
(unless (member (tag-name self) *self-closing-tags*)
(format stream "</~(~a~)>~&" (tag-name self))))
Macroexpand example:
The code
(print-html-to-string (html ((:span :style "color:blue") "text")))
expands to
and evaluates to
"<span style=\"color:blue\">text</span>"
The html generation macro:
(defmacro html (&body body)
(labels ((listify (x) (if (listp x) x (list x)))
(codegen (x)
(cond ((atom x) x)
((not (keywordp (car (listify (car x))))) x)
(t (destructuring-bind (head &rest body) x
(destructuring-bind (name &rest attrs) (listify head)
`(make-tag :name ,name :attrs (list ,@attrs)
:children (html ,@body))))))))
`(list ,@(mapcar #'codegen body))))
Print doctype.
(defmethod print-html ((self (eql :doctype-html)) stream)
(format stream "<!doctype html>~&"))
Print string without escaping
(defstruct (unsafe (:constructor unsafe (string))) string)
(defmethod print-html ((unsafe unsafe) stream)
(write-string (unsafe-string unsafe) stream))