The LocalOsmosis repo has been sunset in favor of the LocalOsmosis that lives within the Osmosis repo itself!
Please note that if you are working with the Osmosis repo you can also easily run a testnet by using some of the make commands, for example:
make localnet-start
make localnet-build
LocalOsmosis (a fork of LocalTerra) is a complete Osmosis testnet and ecosystem containerized with Docker and orchestrated with a simple docker-compose
file. It simplifies the way smart-contract developers test their contracts in a sandbox before they deploy them on a testnet or mainnet.
LocalOsmosis comes preconfigured with opinionated, sensible defaults for standard testing environments. If other projects mention testing on LocalOsmosis, they are referring to the settings defined in this repo.
LocalOsmosis has the following advantages over a public testnet:
- Easily modifiable world states
- Quick to reset for rapid iterations
- Simple simulations of different scenarios
- Controllable validator behavior
- Select option 3 (localosmosis), the installer will configure everything for you.
- The osmosisd dameon on your local computer is used to communicate with the localosmosis daemin running inside the Docker container.
- Supported known architecture: x86_64
- 16+ GB of RAM is recommended
- Run the following commands::
git clone
cd LocalOsmosis
- Make sure your Docker daemon is running in the background and
is installed.
If running on linux, you can install these tools with the following commands:
- docker
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install -y
- docker-compose
sudo apt install docker-compose -y
- Start LocalOsmosis:
make start
Your environment now contains:
- osmosisd RPC node running on
- LCD running on http://localhost:1317
Stop LocalOsmosis (and retain chain data):
make stop
Stop LocalOsmosis (and delete chain data):
make restart
Ensure the same version of
is present in your local computer and LocalOsmosis Docker container. You can check the version of localosmosis by checking the image in the docker-compose.yml file and the version of your osmosisd on your local machine withosmosisd version
from your local machine to talk to your LocalOsmosisosmosisd
osmosisd status
This command automatically works because osmosisd
connects to localhost:26657
by default.
The following command is the explicit form:
osmosisd status --node=tcp://localhost:26657
- Run any of the
commands against your LocalOsmosis network, as shown in the following example:
osmosisd query account osmo1l0jjmvdtj4c3f8cxzzgfhq0zhdzf2x8cgpg056
The majority of LocalOsmosis is implemented through a docker-compose.yml
file, making it easily customizable. You can use LocalOsmosis as a starting template point for setting up your own local Osmosis testnet with Docker containers.
Out of the box, LocalOsmosis comes preconfigured with opinionated settings such as:
- ports defined for RPC (26657) and LCD (1317)
- standard accounts
You can modify the node configuration of your validator in the config/config.toml
and config/app.toml
To decrease block time, edit the [consensus]
parameters in the config/config.toml
file, and specify your own values.
The following example configures all timeouts to 200ms
##### consensus configuration options #####
wal_file = "data/cs.wal/wal"
- timeout_propose = "3s"
- timeout_propose_delta = "500ms"
- timeout_prevote = "1s"
- timeout_prevote_delta = "500ms"
- timeout_precommit_delta = "500ms"
- timeout_commit = "5s"
+ timeout_propose = "200ms"
+ timeout_propose_delta = "200ms"
+ timeout_prevote = "200ms"
+ timeout_prevote_delta = "200ms"
+ timeout_precommit_delta = "200ms"
+ timeout_commit = "200ms"
Additionally, you can use the following single line to configure timeouts:
sed -E -i '/timeout_(propose|prevote|precommit|commit)/s/[0-9]+m?s/200ms/' config/config.toml
You can change the genesis.json
file by altering config/genesis.json
. To load your changes, restart your LocalOsmosis.
LocalOsmosis is pre-configured with one validator and 10 accounts with ION and OSMO balances.
Account | Address | Mnemonic |
validator | osmo1phaxpevm5wecex2jyaqty2a4v02qj7qmlmzk5a osmovaloper1phaxpevm5wecex2jyaqty2a4v02qj7qm9v24r6 |
satisfy adjust timber high purchase tuition stool faith fine install that you unaware feed domain license impose boss human eager hat rent enjoy dawn |
test1 | osmo1cyyzpxplxdzkeea7kwsydadg87357qnahakaks |
notice oak worry limit wrap speak medal online prefer cluster roof addict wrist behave treat actual wasp year salad speed social layer crew genius |
test2 | osmo18s5lynnmx37hq4wlrw9gdn68sg2uxp5rgk26vv |
quality vacuum heart guard buzz spike sight swarm shove special gym robust assume sudden deposit grid alcohol choice devote leader tilt noodle tide penalty |
test3 | osmo1qwexv7c6sm95lwhzn9027vyu2ccneaqad4w8ka |
symbol force gallery make bulk round subway violin worry mixture penalty kingdom boring survey tool fringe patrol sausage hard admit remember broken alien absorb |
test4 | osmo14hcxlnwlqtq75ttaxf674vk6mafspg8xwgnn53 |
bounce success option birth apple portion aunt rural episode solution hockey pencil lend session cause hedgehog slender journey system canvas decorate razor catch empty |
test5 | osmo12rr534cer5c0vj53eq4y32lcwguyy7nndt0u2t |
second render cat sing soup reward cluster island bench diet lumber grocery repeat balcony perfect diesel stumble piano distance caught occur example ozone loyal |
test6 | osmo1nt33cjd5auzh36syym6azgc8tve0jlvklnq7jq |
spatial forest elevator battle also spoon fun skirt flight initial nasty transfer glory palm drama gossip remove fan joke shove label dune debate quick |
test7 | osmo10qfrpash5g2vk3hppvu45x0g860czur8ff5yx0 |
noble width taxi input there patrol clown public spell aunt wish punch moment will misery eight excess arena pen turtle minimum grain vague inmate |
test8 | osmo1f4tvsdukfwh6s9swrc24gkuz23tp8pd3e9r5fa |
cream sport mango believe inhale text fish rely elegant below earth april wall rug ritual blossom cherry detail length blind digital proof identify ride |
test9 | osmo1myv43sqgnj5sm4zl98ftl45af9cfzk7nhjxjqh |
index light average senior silent limit usual local involve delay update rack cause inmate wall render magnet common feature laundry exact casual resource hundred |
test10 | osmo14gs9zqh8m49yy9kscjqu9h72exyf295afg6kgk |
prefer forget visit mistake mixture feel eyebrow autumn shop pair address airport diesel street pass vague innocent poem method awful require hurry unhappy shoulder |
In case you get permission denied while trying to run make start
make start
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.40/containers/json: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
Check that the docker engine is running:
sudo systemctl status docker
If not:
# Configure Docker to start on boot
sudo systemctl enable docker.service
# Start docker service
sudo systemctl start docker.service
Ensure that the current user is in the docker
- Create the docker group and add your user
# Create the docker group
sudo groupadd docker
# Add your user to the docker group.
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
- Log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated.
More details can be found here.