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Ranieri Althoff edited this page Feb 10, 2017 · 4 revisions


  • Rewrite the Lua NPC system
  • Built-in HTTP JSON API using Lua scripts to get real-time data from the server
    • should replace the status protocol
  • Rewrite admin protocol
    • allow clients to send Lua code for the server to execute
    • alternatively, store Lua scripts on the server and allow the admin protocol to run the scripts (safer)
  • Add stronger hashing options
    • perhaps PBKDF2/scrypt
    • preferably without external dependencies
  • Custom item attributes
  • Lua scripts for quests
  • XML tag for each flag in groups.xml with value 0 or 1 to make it more maintainable instead of a single int representing the value for all flags
  • Dropping boost dependency:
    • use asio C++ library
    • monitor progress of C++17 networking
      • could take quite long before this makes it into Linux distributions like Debian GNU/Linux stable
    • consider the opposite if it can't be dropped, making more use of boost because we're depending on it anyway
  • Consider major changes to map, tile and item structures to decrease memory usage
    • must not negatively affect the performance of Map::getSpectatorsInternal, Map::getPathMatching, Map::getTile or ProtocolGame::GetTileDescription
  • Update all log messages to be consistent
  • Rename functions and variables that begin with underscore as they are reserved
  • Move old Lua functions to compat.lua
  • onStepIn/onStepOut return value should matter, return false should cancel the step, default to return true
  • Support custom RSA keys
    • IP Changers must support this, should be supported by the otserv:// specifier, the public key could be specified after version, e.g.:
      • otserv://
  • Remove const_cast where possible
  • Improve database schema
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