Laravel Developer Interview Questions to be used for interviewing potential Laravel Developers. VueJs related questions will also be included here for frontend work.
- What is your Laravel experience like? Is Laravel populair in x? Why so?
- Describe a typical working day in your life. Do you work at home or elsewhere? What hours do you keep?
- Why did you become a developer?
- What type of problems did you have working with Laravel or VueJS projects and how did you solve them?
- How is Type Hinting used in Laravel?
- What is Laravel Eloquent? Why is it nice to have for development?
- What is the Laravel Service Container for? Give an example of its usefulness in an ecommerce environment.
- What are Laravel Facades? Why should we use them? How did you use one last time around?
- What are Laravel Service Providers used for? Give an example in one of your projects?
- Name 5 Laravel Packages you have used the most and can heartily recommend.
- Database Migrations - What is so useful about them?
- Axios Errors - How do you debug them? What tools do you use for it?
- How is the Vue Js Browser support these days?
- How do you perform testing in vuejs & Laravel?
- What is your favorite feature of Laravel?
- Have you used VueX in projects? Examples? When to use Event Buses and when to use VueX?
- A project is using Laravel 6 and with LaravelShift could move to 7. Should it?
- I've already created a database table that I want to use with Laravel's ORM. How would I setup a class to do that?
- Laravel comes with a PHP CLI called artisan. What is your favorite artisan command?
- Give us an example of Vue created() and mounted() as you applied it in your last app. Do explain why this was set up this way.
- Form Validation - How do I validate a zip Dutch code / email address / password w 15 chars, at least one lower, upper case letter, one special char and one number?
- SEO issues in SPA - How do you deal with this with Vue routing to register users with Google Analytics?
- When registering a tablet or mobile as a quest to your application what can you find out about the device with server side code and what with frontend code? What plugins and or packages do you recommend?
- Vue Key Modifier - give an example of one used in one of your projects
Route::group(['prefix' => 'dashboard', 'middleware' => ['auth', 'subcheck'], 'namespace' => 'Dashboard'], function () {
do for routes included in that code part in web.php? What is a prefix for? What is a group in this case?
You need to add add a new private checkbox (private or not) to the dashboard for a site. Checked site will be private. How would you go about adding this new option to the dashboard and storing it to an existing database table?
Standard Vue JS Issue:
The 'textModules' variable inside 'v-for' directive should be replaced with a computed property that returns filtered array instead. You should not mix 'v-for' with 'v-if'.
Explain in plain English what this issue is and how you would resolve this