- Dataset name: the work done - what to do next / what is needed
- README.md : update
Evaluating the following famous Car Evaluation Data Set by Marco Bohavic with following two models.
- Decision Tree model with entropy and gini index acquired ±78% accuracy score on both criterions.
- However, Support Vector Michine model with GridSearch found that SVM with ninth degree polynomial brings accuracy score of ±90%. More cleaner representation of this method you can see in this Kaggle notebook
Evaluating the following famous Student Performance Data Set by Paulo Cortez.
- Two netobooks:
- Student performance - main file with all explanations and procedure
- briefly testing models - simple draft for testing model
- Detailed visualization of feature engineering
- Detailed explanation of such important things, as scaling, encoding and feature chose
- Two netobooks:
- Minimal Intro with TensorFlow 2 - implementing simple linear formula with simpliest ANN
- Simple TensorFlow Example - TF as low-level API