🚨 Breaking Changes
- Bump up vite-plugin-with-nitro - by @ourongxing (ff790)
🚀 Features
- Refetch latest data - by @ourongxing (7bd0b)
- Support dnd card in /focus - by @ourongxing (346f2)
- Add source icon - by @ourongxing (3ec92)
- Add overlay scrollbar - by @ourongxing (98590)
- Refactor api - by @ourongxing (f6a66)
- Add cache - by @ourongxing (47831)
- Support cache on cloudflare page - by @ourongxing (f2711)
- Server routes - by @ourongxing (b1fb9)
- 404 auto redirect to / - by @ourongxing (ae242)
- 404 auto redirect to / - by @ourongxing (9389f)
- Logger - by @ourongxing (a4cf7)
- Set timeout - by @ourongxing (a12ae)
- New sources - by @ourongxing (ad2ff)
- Source add zhihu - by @ourongxing (707da)
- Add two source - by @ourongxing (1357d)
- Fetch sputniknewscn - by @ourongxing (9ecfc)
- New source 36kr - by @ourongxing (24cf2)
- Support dnd in all sections - by @ourongxing (731b3)
- Set animation - by @ourongxing (a89ed)
- Support timeline - by @ourongxing (17146)
- Support go to top button - by @ourongxing (303f7)
- Set brand font - by @ourongxing (c4904)
- Add finance column - by @ourongxing (5fe9a)
- Support github oauth - by @ourongxing (27283)
- Optimize cache logi - by @ourongxing (5e846)
- Sync user action - by @ourongxing (e8a2a)
- Ui - by @ourongxing (17935)
- script:
- Auto refresh data by action - by @ourongxing (846da)
- source:
- Filter weibo ad - by @ourongxing (d2fca)
- ui:
- Unified primary color - by @ourongxing (33b94)
- Animation of items changes - by @ourongxing (51018)
- Drop animation - by @ourongxing (46ac9)
- Make cursor more pointer - by @ourongxing (c0d5f)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Proxy api - by @ourongxing (26c1c)
- Card grid layout - by @ourongxing (38d3a)
- Cache logic - by @ourongxing (1856f)
- Nitro auto imporat in vitest - by @ourongxing (ae816)
- Dayjs duration - by @ourongxing (81e00)
- Inner a - by @ourongxing (250fc)
- Use @tsndr/cloudflare-worker-jwt - by @ourongxing (39ff4)
- Test jose to sign jwt - by @ourongxing (e4b02)
- Github oauth on cloudflare page - by @ourongxing (46077)
- Flash in loading - by @ourongxing (dc0de)
- Router - by @ourongxing (9aed3)
- Auto thme - by @ourongxing (596b0)
- User verify - by @ourongxing (9eeee)
- UploadMetadata - by @ourongxing (e9909)
- script:
- Url - by @ourongxing (c2495)
- Url - by @ourongxing (6a30d)
- server:
- Cache failed - by @ourongxing (49d1b)
- ui:
- Navbar fresh in mobile - by @ourongxing (5d622)