1 - Define the eventbus (https://github.com/Ovea/js-eventbus)
if (myapp.bus == undefined) {
(function($) {
myapp.bus = {
local: new EventBus({
name: 'EventBus Local'
if (myapp.namesapce == undefined) {
(function($) {
3 - No you can listen anywhere on your code the JQueryMobile events (pagebeforeshow, pagecreate, pageshow, pagehide) through topics (beforeshow, create, show, hide).
// Be notified by the creation of the page 'member'
myapp.bus.local.topic('/event/ui/view/create/member').subscribe(function(page) {
// For all pages
myapp.bus.local.topic('/event/ui/view/create').subscribe(function(page) {
1 - Define the eventbus (https://github.com/Ovea/js-eventbus)
if (myapp.bus == undefined) {
(function($) {
myapp.bus = {
local: new EventBus({
name: 'EventBus Local'
if (app.navigation == undefined) {
(function($) {
app.navigation = new window.jqmcontrib.Navigation(myapp.bus.local);
// In which page I am ?
var page = app.navigation.pageName();
// Go to external URL and when I come back to my app go to page : myPage
app.navigation.redirect(external_url, {
to: myPage
N.B : The navigation object publish on topic '/event/navigation/restoring' when it restore state
// Change page