An OMERO.web app for visualizing images in OMERO.
- OMERO 5.4.0 or newer.
In order to build you need:
- nodejs version 6.x
- npm version equal or greater to 3.0!
To build an uncompressed version, run:
$ npm run debug
To build an uglified version, run:
$ npm run prod
All builds will build into the build directory and deploy to the plugin directory which can then be used like any Django plugin.
Intructions on how to add the OMERO.iviewer app to your installed OMERO.web apps can be found in the OMERO.iviewer README.
Should you like or need to rebuild OMERO.iviewer's internal ol3 viewer, please read the section ol3-viewer below!
$ npm run dev
To be able to run the webpack-dev
server locally at: localhost:3000
To build the html in build/docs, run:
$ npm run docs
The OMERO.iviewer's internal image viewer is based on OpenLayers 3,
The following software has to be installed in order to compile the java script code:
(node package manager)apache ant
(and therefore a java runtime)python
(for closure's
To build the OpenLayers viewer for OMERO.iviewer (deploys into libs directory), run:
$ ant
For further options type ant -p
More detailed resources on how to create a web app and development setup can be found at: