A web application that manages source servers. Also has optional support for server booking. Developed using D and vibe.d.
Only tested with tf2 servers.
Requires D and dub for fetching/building dependencies.
Other Dependencies:
- expect for running the servers.
Optional Dependencies:
- steamcmd for downloading and updating source servers.
SSC has 3 build paths: development, test and production
To Build and Run:
# or
dub run
Built executable can be found in bin/ssc
To build and run tests you will also need:
- python 3.5+
- pyparsing
- py.test (optional)
contains a mock implementation of a source server written in
python which is used in some tests to avoid running/installing a source
dedicated server.
Run the following to test SSC:
dub test
Run the following to test the source server mock:
py.test tests/support/*
To Build:
dub -c production
Executable can be found in bin/ssc