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Makefile for VHDL compilation and simulation

Quick start

Drop this Makefile in the root directory of your VHDL project and always use the .vhd extension for your source files. From the root directory of your VHDL project type make to print the short help or make long-help for the complete help.

    make [GOAL] [VARIABLE=VALUE ...]

    make foo_sim DIR=/tmp/mysim SIM=vsim V=1
    make foo_sim.sim DIR=/tmp/ghdl_sim SIM=ghdl GUI=yes

Variable         valid values    description (current value)
    DIR          -               temporary build directory (/tmp/build/ghdl)
    GHDLAFLAGS   -               GHDL analysis options (--std=08)
    GHDLRFLAGS   -               GHDL simulation options (--std=08)
    GHDLRUNOPTS  -               GHDL RUNOPTS options ()
    GUI          yes|no          use Graphical User Interface (no)
    MODE         work|dirname    default target library (work)
    SIM          ghdl|vsim|xsim  simulation toolchain (ghdl)
    SKIP         -               UNITs to ignore for compilation ()
    V            0|1             verbosity level (0)
    VCOMFLAGS    -               Modelsim analysis options (-2008)
    VSIMFLAGS    -               Modelsim simulation options ()
    XVHDLFLAGS   -               Vivado analysis options (-2008)
    XELABFLAGS   -               Vivado elaboration options ()
    XSIMFLAGS    -               Vivado simulation options ()

    help                    this help (default goal)
    long-help               print long help
    libs                    print library names
    UNIT                    compile UNIT.vhd
    units                   print existing UNITs not in SKIP
    all                     compile all source files not in SKIP
    UNIT.sim                simulate UNIT
    clean                   delete temporary build directory


This Makefile is for GNU make only and relies on conventions; if your make is not GNU make or your project is not compatible with the conventions, please do not use this Makefile.

The vhdl sub-directory contains some VHDL source files for testing.

  1. The directory containing this Makefile is the TOP directory. All make commands must be launched from TOP:

     cd TOP; make ...


     make -C TOP ...
  2. Source files are considered as indivisible units. They must be stored in the TOP directory or its sub-directories and named UNIT.vhd where UNIT is any combination of alphanumeric characters, plus underscores (no spaces or tabs, for instance). The "name" of a unit is the basename of its source file without the .vhd extension. Example: the name of unit TOP/tests/cooley.vhd is cooley.

  3. Each unit has a default target library: work if MODE=work, or the name of the directory of the unit if MODE=dirname. Target libraries are automatically created if they don't exist.

  4. Unit names must be unique. It is not possible to have units TOP/common/version.vhd and TOP/tests/version.vhd, even if MODE=dirname and their target libraries are different.

  5. If there is a file named config in TOP, it is included before anything else. It can be used to set configuration variables to other values than the default. Example of TOP/config file:

     DIR  := /tmp/build/vsim
     GUI  := yes
     MODE := work
     SIM  := vsim
     SKIP := bogus in_progress
     V    := 1

    Variable assignments on the command line overwrite assignments in TOP/config. Example to temporarily disable the GUI for a specific simulation:

     make cooley_sim.sim GUI=no
  6. Simulations can be launched with make UNIT.sim to simulate entity UNIT defined in file UNIT.vhd. Example: if unit TOP/tests/cooley_sim.vhd defines entity cooley_sim a simulation can be launched with:

     make cooley_sim.sim [VAR=VALUE...]

    Note: the simulations are launched from the DIR temporary build directory. It can matter if, for instance, a simulation reads or writes data files.

    Note: GHDL has no GUI; instead, with GHDL and GUI=yes, a DIR/UNIT.ghw waveform file is generated for post-simulation visualization with, e.g., GTKWave.

  7. Inter-unit dependencies must be declared in text files with the .mk extension stored in TOP or its sub-directories. The dependency syntax is:

     UNIT [UNIT...]: UNIT [UNIT...]

    where the left-hand side units depend on the right-hand side units. Example: if cooley_sim.vhd depends on rnd_pkg.vhd and cooley.vhd (that is, if rnd_pkg.vhd and cooley.vhd must be compiled before cooley_sim.vhd), the following can be added to a .mk file somewhere under TOP:

     cooley_sim: rnd_pkg cooley

    The sub-directory in which a .mk file is stored does not matter but the letter case matters in dependency rules: if a unit is cooley.vhd, its name is cooley and the dependency rules must use cooley, not Cooley or COOLEY.

    .mk files can also specify per-unit target libraries other than the defaults using UNIT-lib variables. Example: if MODE=dirname and TOP/common/rnd_pkg.vhd must be compiled in library tests instead of the default common, the following can be added to a .mk file somewhere under TOP:

     rnd_pkg-lib := tests

Other GNU make statements can be added to .mk files. Example if the GHDL simulation of cooley_sim depends on data file cooley.txt generated by shell script TOP/tests/, and generic parameter n must be set to 100000, the following can be added to, e.g., TOP/tests/

cooley_sim.sim: GHDLRUNOPTS += -gn=100000
cooley_sim.sim: $(DIR)/cooley.txt
$(DIR)/cooley.txt: $(TOP)/tests/
        $< > $@


Makefile for VHDL compilation and simulation







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