This Docker image contains an Ubuntu base with several tools pre-installed, such as Python 3 and Node.js.
It's usefull for connecting to the NODO_CFG
To trigger a new release, use conventional commits on the master branch.
You can also manually trigger the GitHub Action for the release.
To deploy a new image on AKS, follow these steps:
- Update the image version in the helm values file located at
. - Run the following Helm commands locally:
kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl config use-context <your-aks-context>
helm dependency build ./helm
helm upgrade --namespace apiconfig --install --values ./helm/values-<env>.yaml --debug --wait --timeout 5m0s ubuntu-vm ./helm
Make sure to select the correct environment (dev, uat, prod).
- 🐳 Docker
- 💻 Intel CPU
To build and run the Docker image locally, use the following commands:
docker build -t ubuntu-vm .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 ubuntu-vm
If you use MAC with arm processor
docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64 -t ubuntu-vm .