Paper Title: Learn to Accumulate Evidence from All Training Samples: Theory and Practice
Paper link:
This repository contains source code for the Regularized Evidential Model Code (RED) model.
Runnning Experiments in this repository requires following :
- Python
- pytorch
- Torchvision
Note: Additional details of the requirements can be found in the file "requirements.txt" and corresponding code folders
There are 5 sets of experiments
- Toy MNIST Experiments
For The ToyMnist Experiments and results, Consider the folder ToyMnistExperiment. To run all experiments, run ``` bash ```
- All Remaining MNIST Experiments
For all remaining MNIST experiments and results, consider the folder MainMnistExperiment
Run ``` bash ``` to obtain Cross-Entropy based standard classifier model's results
Run ``` bash ``` to obtain all Evidential model results (All hyperparameters and settings)
- All Cifar10 Experiments
For all Cifar10 experiments and results, consider the folder MainCifar10Experiments
Run ``` bash ``` to obtain Cross-Entropy based standard classifier model's results
Run ``` bash ``` to obtain all Evidential model results (All hyperparameters and settings)
- All Cifar100 Experiments
For all Cifar100 experiments and results, consider the folder Cifar100Experiments
Run ``` bash ``` to obtain Cross-Entropy based standard classifier model's results
Run ``` bash ``` to obtain all Evidential model results (All hyperparameters and settings)
- All Few Shot Classification Experiments
For all Few-Shot Classification experiments with mini-ImageNet, consider the folder FewShotExperiments
Run ``` bash ``` to obtain Cross-Entropy based standard classifier model's results
Run ``` bash ``` to obtain all Evidential model results (All hyperparameters and settings)
MNIST dataset, Cifar10 dataset, and Cifar100 dataset are automatically downloaded from the script.
mini-Imagenet dataset needs to be downloaded and placed in the materials folder. Follow instructions in 0_mini_imagenet_instructions.txt for mini-ImageNet.
- MNIST experiments are based on the github repository:
- Cifar10 experiments are based on the github repostiory:
- Cifar100 experiments are based on the github repository:
- mini-ImageNet experiments are based on the github repository: