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Metadata for Images and Postage Stamp Cubes

Wilfred Tyler Gee edited this page Aug 29, 2016 · 19 revisions


See Terminology page.

List of metadata to add to each image:

For descriptions of common FITS keywords see:

From POCS:

  • SEQID: a unique identifier for each image sequence. Proposed format is [unitid]_[cameraid]_[seq_time] (e.g. PAN001_ee1d07_20160705_010203UT)
  • IMAGEID: a unique identifier of each image. Proposed format is [unitid]_[cameraid]_[start_time] (e.g. PAN001_ee1d07_20160705_010409UT)
  • FIELD: the name of the target field which the unit was commanded to point to. (to be defined)
  • RA-MNT: The nominal RA (e.g. where the unit thinks it was pointed)
  • HA-MNT: The nominal HA (e.g. where the unit thinks it was pointed)
  • DEC-MNT: The nominal declination (e.g. where the unit thinks it was pointed)
  • EQUINOX: equinox of the RA and DEC coordinates (should be J2000)
  • AIRMASS: Airmass at start of observation
  • FILTER: The filter used (e.g. RGGB for the Bayer array)
  • LAT-OBS: The latitude of the unit in degrees
  • LONG-OBS: The longitude of the unit in degrees
  • ELEV-OBS: Elevation of the unit in meters
  • MOONSEP: The angle of separation with the moon in degrees
  • MOONFRAC: Fraction of moon illuminated from 0.0 to 1.0
  • CREATOR: Software name and version (e.g. POCSv20160712)
  • INSTRUME: The camera id (e.g. ee1d07)
  • OBSERVER: The unit id (e.g. PAN001)
  • ORIGIN: Organization responsible for image (e.g. Project PANOPTES)

From plate-solve:

  • RA: right ascension of the pointing center in HH:MM:SS.S format (in FK5 system)
  • DEC: declination of the pointing center in HH:MM:SS.S format (in FK5 system)
  • ORIENTAT: Degrees east of north of the image

From EXIF:

  • ISO : ISO
  • EXPTIME : ExposureTime
  • CAM-TEMP : CameraTemperature
  • CIRC-CONF : CircleOfConfusion
  • COLOR-TEMP: ColorTempMeasured
  • DATE-OBS : DateTimeOriginal
  • FILENAME : FileName
  • INT-SERIAL: InternalSerialNumber
  • CAM-SERIAL: SerialNumber
  • MEAS-EV : MeasuredEV
  • MEAS-EV2 : MeasuredEV2
  • MEAS-RGGB : MeasuredRGGB
  • WHITE-LVLN: NormalWhiteLevel
  • WHITE-LVLS: SpecularWhiteLevel
  • RED-BAL : RedBalance
  • BLU-BAL : BlueBalance
  • WB-RGGB : WB_RGGBLevelAsShot

... more to come

List of metadata to add to each Postage Stamp Cube (PSC):

  • SEQID: a unique identifier for each image sequence. Proposed format is [unitid]_[cameraid]_[seq_time] (e.g. PAN001A_20160705_010203UT)
  • FIELD: the name of the target field which the unit was commanded to point to (to be determined)
  • RA: right ascension of the star in this PSC in HH:MM:SS.S format (in FK5 system)
  • DEC: declination of the star in this PSC in HH:MM:SS.S format (in FK5 system)
  • EQUINOX: equinox of the RA and DEC coordinates (should be J2000)
    • NOTE: this coordinate (RA, DEC, EQUINOX) is the catalog position of the star of interest, not the measured position in the astrometric solve of this image. This is done to make this coordinate identical across different image sequences, images, and units.
  • PICID: The id for the object located in the PSC.
  • OBSTIME: ISO formatted time (UT) at which the first image of the sequence was taken
  • TIMENNNN: ISO formatted time (UT) at which the NNNNth image was taken.
    • NOTE: There will be NNNN instances of this keyword (similarly EXPTNNNN below) from 0001 to NNNN where NNNN is the number of images in the sequence. These are all recorded because we can not assume perfect spacing of each image acquisition and it allows for the loss or filtering out of images which creates gaps within the sequence. Each instance of this keyword should match the OBSTIME keyword of the image which it corresponds to.
  • EXPTNNNN: Exposure time in seconds for the NNNNth image in the cube.
  • XPIXORG: The X pixel position of the (0,0) pixel in the postage stamp within the original image.
  • YPIXORG: The Y pixel position of the (0,0) pixel in the postage stamp within the original image.
    • NOTE: The (0,0) pixel in each image should always be the same color in the Bayer array (i.e. red).

List of metadata in each light curve generated by PIAA:

This should contain the same metadata as the PSC metadata above with potential additions (TBD) generated by the PIAA output.