- Validator
- PatternGenerator
- tag the mismatches files with the run number (now mismatches files are overwritten)
- cli args for cosmic run cfg
- remove old leftover files
- clean up the code
Assuming that you want to run these modules on top of the CMSSW release CMSSW_X_Y_Z
the following steps are required
## make your working dir and prepare CMSSW
ssh lxplus.cern.ch
cd <workdir>
cmsrel CMSSW_X_Y_Z && cd CMSSW_X_Y_Z/src
## initialize extra repos
git cms-init --upstream-only
git clone https://github.com/panoskatsoulis/ExternalCMSSW.git
## fetch deps and compile
git cms-checkdeps -A -a
scram b -j 8
The Validation code is located in the MuonStudy
pkg. There are 2 different configuration files, one for Cosmic Runs and one for Collision Runs.
- Cosmic Runs : MuonStudy/test/validate_bothAlgos_Cosmics.py
- Collision Runs : MuonStudy/test/validate_bothAlgos_Collisions.py
For a Cosmics Run, one needs to modify the lines in the config file here [1] and then to run the following command
cmsRun ExternalCMSSW/MuonStudy/test/validate_bothAlgos_Cosmics.py
For a Collisions Run, modification is not needed. The parameters are exposed to cli arguments. An example is following
cmsRun ExternalCMSSW/MuonStudy/test/validate_bothAlgos_Collisions.py run=325918 events=10000 dataset=/ExpressPhysics/Run2018D-Express-v1/FEVT gTag=112X_dataRun3_HLT_v3
The code for pattern generation from real events is located in the PatternGenerator
- A sequence of 5 modules is prepared and select events with 1 muon and specific mismatch (DATA-vs-EMULATOR).
- Then for only this event (and not the next events), the module
is printing out the MP7 buffer contents for all 12 BMTF Processors. - One must have a look into the mismatches files to locate the correct processor and copy it into a file.
The command for running the above sequence is the following
cmsRun ExternalCMSSW/PatternGenerator/test/printEventBitstreams.py
The configuration for generating patterns is not handled with cli-args (like in the Collisions validation), but instead needs to be set manually here [2] (like for cosmics validation).