The following demo shows how to bind to a MYSQL service from a data bound Spring Boot [Spring Data JPA]. This ensures you don't have to write any code to retrieve the bound data source connection details as spring auto configures this for you using spring cloud service connector library.
You can deploy this application automatically to your Bluemix Account using the button below, or you can follow the steps below.
- Clone code as follows
> git clone
- Edit the file src/main/resources/
Here you need to specify the path to your local "", you will need to create that file with content as follows. The location can be anywhere on your file system and any file name. /Users/pasapicella/springboot/
3.2. Edit the file to ensure you add your local MYSQL details, if your using the default MYSQL settings on your laptop or desktop below is all you need SpringBootMYSQLLocal mysql://pas:pas@localhost:3306/test
spring.datasource.max-active: 10
spring.datasource.initial-size: 1
- package as shown below
> mvn package
- Run as follows
mvn spring-boot:run
- Access as follows
- When deploying to IBM Bluemix you must bind the app to a MYSQL service as shown in the manifest.yml below.
- name: pas-mjalbums
memory: 512M
instances: 1
host: pas-mjalbums
path: ./target/BluemixSpringBootJPA-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- pas-mysql
Note: The manifest file below assumes you have a MYSQL service named "pas-mysql", so you will need a MYSQL service created and make sure you use the service name correctly
- Example of deployment
pasapicella@pas-macbook-pro:~/ibm/DemoProjects/spring-starter/BluemixSpringBootJPA$ cf push -f manifest-devspace.yml
Using manifest file manifest-devspace.yml
Creating app pas-mjalbums in org [email protected] / space dev as [email protected]...
Using route
Binding to pas-mjalbums...
Uploading pas-mjalbums...
Uploading app files from: target/BluemixSpringBootJPA-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Uploading 784K, 137 files
Done uploading
Binding service pas-mysql to app pas-mjalbums in org [email protected] / space dev as [email protected]...
Starting app pas-mjalbums in org [email protected] / space dev as [email protected]...
-----> Downloaded app package (30M)
-----> Liberty Buildpack Version: v2.1-20151006-0912
-----> Retrieving IBM 1.8.0_20150828 JRE (ibm-java-jre-8.0-1.11-pxa6480sr1fp11-20150828_01-cloud.tgz) ... (0.0s)
Expanding JRE to .java ... (0.9s)
-----> Retrieving App Management 1.12.0_20151001-1521 ( ... (0.0s)
Expanding App Management to .app-management (0.1s)
-----> Downloading Auto Reconfiguration 1.10.0_RELEASE from (2.4s)
-----> Liberty buildpack is done creating the droplet
-----> Uploading droplet (89M)
0 of 1 instances running, 1 starting
1 of 1 instances running
App started
App pas-mjalbums was started using this command `$PWD/.java/jre/bin/java -Xtune:virtualized -Xmx384M -Xdump:none -Xdump:heap:defaults:file=./../dumps/ -Xdump:java:defaults:file=./../dumps/javacore.%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.%pid.%seq.txt -Xdump:snap:defaults:file=./../dumps/Snap.%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.%pid.%seq.trc -Xdump:heap+java+snap:events=user -Xshareclasses:none -Xdump:tool:events=systhrow,filter=java/lang/OutOfMemoryError,request=serial+exclusive,exec=./.buildpack-diagnostics/ $JVM_ARGS org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher --server.port=$PORT`
Showing health and status for app pas-mjalbums in org [email protected] / space dev as [email protected]...
requested state: started
instances: 1/1
usage: 512M x 1 instances
last uploaded: Thu Oct 22 17:32:22 UTC 2015
stack: cflinuxfs2
buildpack: Liberty for Java(TM) (JAR, java-main, ibmjdk-1.8.0_20150828, env, spring-auto-reconfiguration-1.10.0_RELEASE)
state since cpu memory disk details
#0 running 2015-10-22 01:34:14 PM 0.3% 198.6M of 512M 128.4M of 1G
IBM Bluemix Dashboard of application once pushed