Pyramid web interface to Murmur and Mumble.
It assumes that you have a working Murmur (Mumble server) instance, whose details you need to enter into the .ini configuration file. As an alternative, you can simply configure a Mumble-web interface and link it from the profile view by entering the required information in the .ini file.
Change directory into your newly created project if not already there. Your current directory should be the same as this README.txt file and
cd Pyramid-Mumble
Create a Python virtual environment, if not already created.
python3 -m venv env
Upgrade packaging tools, if necessary.
env/bin/pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
Install the project in editable mode with its testing requirements.
env/bin/pip install -e ".[testing]"
Initialize and upgrade the database using Alembic.
Generate your first revision.
env/bin/alembic -c development.ini revision --autogenerate -m "init"
Upgrade to that revision.
env/bin/alembic -c development.ini upgrade head
Load default data into the database using a script.
env/bin/initialize_pyramid_mumble_db development.ini
Run your project's tests.
Run your project.
env/bin/pserve development.ini
In order to enable the websocket part, you will need to use both gunicorn and eventlet:
env/bin/alembic -c production.ini revision --autogenerate -m "init" env/bin/alembic -c production.ini upgrade head env/bin/initialize_pyramid_mumble_db production.ini env/bin/gunicorn --paste production.ini -b --chdir YOUR_PYRAMID_MUMBLE_PATH -k eventlet -w 1
- The project is still in an early phase, but it can already self-generate x509 certificates to identify users, or they can be uploaded and used to establish the Mumble connection. But the registration and access control to the Murmur server still has to be implemented either using pymumble o even better ICE protocol (I already have an ICE mockup, but need to include it).
- Sound is already being transmitted from the browser to Mumble but with a lot of jitter, so I figure that the rate of transfer or something like that need to be modulated for this to work.
- Sound from pymumble to the browser is not implemented, but it should be very easy if one looks into the websocket to mumble part.