A tiny high performace UDP proxy that can foward any generic UDP traffic to one or more endpoints.
We needed a way to take a stream of NetFlow/IPFIX/sFlow and send it to multiple endpoints(Prod and Testing).
This project is meant to managed via single docker compose. Endpoints can easily be modified in the docker-compose.yml
and safely reloaded by running ./up.sh
justin@ops1:~/udp-clone$ ./up.sh
[+] Building 15.5s (20/30)
=> [udp-clone_netflow5 internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.1s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 284B 0.0s
=> [udp-clone_netflow9 internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.1s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 284B 0.0s
=> [udp-clone_sflow internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.1s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 284B 0.0s
=> [udp-clone_netflow5 internal] load .dockerignore 0.1s
=> => transferring context: 2B 0.0s
=> [udp-clone_sflow internal] load .dockerignore 0.1s
=> => transferring context: 2B 0.0s
=> [udp-clone_netflow9 internal] load .dockerignore 0.1s
=> => transferring context: 2B 0.0s
=> [udp-clone_netflow9 internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/ubuntu:latest 0.0s
=> [udp-clone_netflow9 internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/golang:1.18-bullseye 5.0s
=> CACHED [udp-clone_netflow5 stage-1 1/2] FROM docker.io/library/ubuntu:latest 0.0s
=> [udp-clone_sflow build-img 1/6] FROM docker.io/library/golang:1.18-bullseye@sha256:db42e4bb1a7f32da1ec430906769dbbabe9f1868bd41 6.0s
=> => resolve docker.io/library/golang:1.18-bullseye@sha256:db42e4bb1a7f32da1ec430906769dbbabe9f1868bd4170751e4923f1b8948a45 0.1s
=> => sha256:e604223835ccf02d097187b5a58ca73e8598cadbb16a36202ca1943e97f56f1f 10.88MB / 10.88MB 0.5s
=> => sha256:db42e4bb1a7f32da1ec430906769dbbabe9f1868bd4170751e4923f1b8948a45 1.86kB / 1.86kB 0.0s
=> => sha256:bf168a6748997eb97b48cc86234b7ff7d8bc907645b9be99013158b3f146b272 5.16MB / 5.16MB 0.3s
=> => sha256:5417b4917fa7ed3ad2678a3ce6378a00c95bfd430c2ffa39936fce55130b5f2c 1.80kB / 1.80kB 0.0s
=> => sha256:76199a964a3fc66e31bda713381e92285f479fe8e3d4514a473f95ffc2062440 7.10kB / 7.10kB 0.0s
=> => sha256:e756f3fdd6a378aa16205b0f75d178b7532b110e86be7659004fc6a21183226c 55.01MB / 55.01MB 0.7s
=> => sha256:6d5c91c4cd86dde23108ab3af91e9eae838d0059a380ee7dfd4f370b6d985523 54.58MB / 54.58MB 0.8s
=> => sha256:93c221c34e03cb2bc3c5cb0e1fcf029b793cfe2c10362287dd05270d80333db9 85.87MB / 85.87MB 1.0s
=> => extracting sha256:e756f3fdd6a378aa16205b0f75d178b7532b110e86be7659004fc6a21183226c 0.6s
=> => sha256:399edca3a0ef467dadd57f6ed1ee48c7b64162ca25d1fae2940680b749c722a9 141.75MB / 141.75MB 1.4s
=> => sha256:00fc5c011105d0ac8b5453886bb3b836c81260e1d016938a1207d48da8f28718 155B / 155B 0.9s
=> => extracting sha256:bf168a6748997eb97b48cc86234b7ff7d8bc907645b9be99013158b3f146b272 0.1s
=> => extracting sha256:e604223835ccf02d097187b5a58ca73e8598cadbb16a36202ca1943e97f56f1f 0.1s
=> => extracting sha256:6d5c91c4cd86dde23108ab3af91e9eae838d0059a380ee7dfd4f370b6d985523 0.6s
=> => extracting sha256:93c221c34e03cb2bc3c5cb0e1fcf029b793cfe2c10362287dd05270d80333db9 0.8s
=> => extracting sha256:399edca3a0ef467dadd57f6ed1ee48c7b64162ca25d1fae2940680b749c722a9 1.7s
=> => extracting sha256:00fc5c011105d0ac8b5453886bb3b836c81260e1d016938a1207d48da8f28718 0.0s
=> [udp-clone_netflow9 internal] load build context 0.2s
=> => transferring context: 4.59MB 0.1s
=> [udp-clone_netflow5 internal] load build context 0.2s
=> => transferring context: 4.59MB 0.1s
=> [udp-clone_sflow internal] load build context 0.2s
=> => transferring context: 4.59MB 0.1s
=> [udp-clone_sflow build-img 2/6] WORKDIR /go/src/app 0.6s
=> [udp-clone_netflow9 build-img 3/6] COPY go.mod go.sum ./ 0.1s
=> [udp-clone_netflow9 build-img 4/6] RUN go mod download 0.7s
=> [udp-clone_netflow9 build-img 5/6] COPY . . 0.1s
=> [udp-clone_netflow9 build-img 6/6] RUN go build 2.4s
=> [udp-clone_netflow9 stage-1 2/2] COPY --from=build-img /go/src/app/udp-clone /bin/udp-clone 0.1s
=> [udp-clone_netflow5] exporting to image 0.3s
=> => exporting layers 0.1s
=> => writing image sha256:34530238bc121bc2c8a8daa2bbedc48ef36ccdca90f31a81cd4e510d27ad455f 0.0s
=> => naming to docker.io/library/udp-clone_netflow9 0.0s
=> => naming to docker.io/library/udp-clone_sflow 0.0s
=> => naming to docker.io/library/udp-clone_netflow5 0.0s
Use 'docker scan' to run Snyk tests against images to find vulnerabilities and learn how to fix them
[+] Running 4/4
_ Network udp-clone_default Created 0.1s
_ Container udp-clone-netflow9 Started 0.9s
_ Container udp-clone-sflow Started 0.8s
_ Container udp-clone-netflow5 Started 0.7s
To run this project directly, build it manually using go build
❯ ./udp-clone --listen-port=9500 --forward= --forward=
{"level":"info","message":"Server started","ip":"","port":9500}
{"level":"info","message":"Forwarding target configured","num":1,"total":2,"addr":""}
{"level":"info","message":"Forwarding target configured","num":2,"total":2,"addr":""}
The above command will:
- Start a UDP server listening on
- Add a forward target of
for destination port as not specified in configuration) - Add another forward target of
The server will start listening on
, any packet it receives will be replicated and sent to both
usage: udp-clone [<flags>]
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
--debug Enable debug mode
--listen-ip= IP to listen in
--listen-port=port Port to listen on
--body-size=10000 Size of body to read
--forward=ip:port ... ip:port to forward traffic to (port defaults to listen-port)
--routines=10 Set the number of listeners per port
2022 Path Network
Written By: Justin Timperio