Follow these instructions to start a cluster on EC2 running Cloudera Manager. Cloudera Manager allows you to install, run, and manage a Hadoop cluster.
This method uses Whirr to start a cluster with
- one node running the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, and
- a user-selectable number of nodes for the Hadoop cluster itself
Once Whirr has started the cluster, you use Cloudera Manager in the usual way.
Note that you can omit the CDH client node if you want to run programs entirely from Hue.
It is not currently possible to launch Hadoop programs from your local machine that use the cluster, due to the way Cloudera Manager manages host addresses. To work around this limitation you can add a Gateway role which installs CDH client components on a node in the cloud to run programs from.
Run the following commands from you local machine.
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...
curl -O
tar zxf whirr-0.8.1.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/whirr-0.8.1/bin
ssh-keygen -t rsa -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_cm
Download the Whirr CM plugin into the lib directory of your Whirr installation.
$(cd whirr-0.8.1/lib && curl -LO
curl -O
The following command will start a cluster with 5 Hadoop nodes. To change this number edit the file. Edit the same file if you don't want to launch a CDH client node.
whirr launch-cluster --config
Whirr will report progress to the console as it runs. The command will exit when the cluster is ready to be used.
The next step is to run the Cloudera Manager Admin Console -- at the URL printed by the Whirr command -- to install and configure Hadoop, using the instructions at
The output of the Whirr command includes settings for the cluster hosts and the authentication method to be used while running the Cloudera Manager Admin Console.
Once the Hadoop cluster is up and running you can use it via Hue (the URL is printed by the launch cluster command), or from a CDH gateway machine. In the latter case, follow these instructions to add a gateway role
Then SSH to the gateway machine. Now you can interact with the cluster, e.g. to list files in HDFS:
hadoop fs -ls /tmp
Finally, when you want to shutdown the cluster, run the following command. Note that all data and state stored on the cluster will be lost.
whirr destroy-cluster --config