This implementation is based on Paylike/js-client
High-level client for the API documented at: Paylike API reference. It is using paylike_kotlin_request under the hood.
repositories {
// ...
maven {
url ''
// ...
dependencies {
// ...
implementation 'com.github.paylike:kotlin_client:[version]' // see the badge under the title
// ...
import com.github.paylike.kotlin_client.BuildConfig
import com.github.paylike.kotlin_client.PaylikeClient
import com.github.paylike.kotlin_client.domain.dto.payment.request.PaymentData
import com.github.paylike.kotlin_client.domain.dto.payment.request.card.ExpiryDto
import com.github.paylike.kotlin_client.domain.dto.payment.request.card.PaylikeCardDto
import com.github.paylike.kotlin_client.domain.dto.payment.request.integration.PaymentIntegrationDto
import com.github.paylike.kotlin_client.domain.dto.tokenize.request.TokenizeData
import com.github.paylike.kotlin_client.domain.dto.tokenize.request.TokenizeTypes
import com.github.paylike.kotlin_money.PaymentAmount
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
* This a dummy example usage flow, this code wont finish successfully.
fun main() {
// create client instance
val client = PaylikeClient("TestID01")
// get your merchant id, preferably from environmental variable
// in your file set: PaylikeMerchantApiKey=<yourMerchantId>
val yourMerchantId = BuildConfig.PaylikeMerchantApiKey
// indicate coroutineScope
runBlocking {
// Tokenize the card data
val responseCard = client.tokenize(TokenizeData(TokenizeTypes.PCN, "4100000000000000"))
val responseCode = client.tokenize(TokenizeData(TokenizeTypes.PCSC, "111"))
// create the payment dto
val paymentAmount = PaymentAmount("EUR", 1, 0)
val paymentCard = PaylikeCardDto(
number = responseCard,
cvc = responseCode,
expiry = ExpiryDto(12,2023),
val paymentData = PaymentData(
integration = PaymentIntegrationDto(yourMerchantId), // here comes your merchant id
amount = paymentAmount,
card = paymentCard,
// Payment flow:
// Send the payment request
val tdsResponse = client.paymentCreate(paymentData)
// If the response is HTML, then you encountered a payment challenge
// like TDS
if (tdsResponse.isHTML) {
val htmlBody = tdsResponse.htmlBody
val hints = tdsResponse.paymentResponse.hints!!
// handle tds
// ...
// get the hint form the tds
val tdsHint = String() // dummy hint from tds
// add it to the list
val freshSet = mutableSetOf<String>()
paymentData.hints = freshSet.toList()
// after auth we start continue the payment process
val paymentResponse = client.paymentCreate(paymentData)
// and finally we get the transactionId at the end of the flow
val transactionId = paymentResponse.paymentResponse.transactionId