Request helper for Kotlin
This implementation is based on Paylike/JS-Request
This is a low-level library used for making HTTP(s) requests to Paylike APIs. It incorporates the conventions described in the Paylike API reference.
fun main() {
val requester = PaylikeRequester()
val opts = RequestOptions(
query = mapOf("foo" to "bar"),
data = buildJsonObject {
put("foo", "bar")
method = "POST",
runBlocking {
try {
val response = requester.request("", opts)
} catch (e: TimeoutCancellationException) {
/// Handle timeout
} catch (e: PaylikeException) {
/// Handle known API response
} catch (e: ServerErrorException) {
/// Handle unexpected issues
The main executor of the requests
val requester = PaylikeRequester()
By default the requester is initiated with the following parameters:
val log: Consumer<Any> = Consumer {
val client: HttpHandler = ApacheClient()
Log is called when a request is made and the client is used to execute requests. You can override both if your desired functionality requires it.
Responsible for executing requests, has the following footprint:
suspend fun request(endpoint: String, opts: RequestOptions): PaylikeResponse
As it provides a timeout functionality it has to be called from inside a coroutine
Responsible for describing the options for a given request (except for the endpoint)
data class RequestOptions(
val version: Int = 1, /// [Optional] Describes the version of the API
val query: Map<String, String>? = null, /// [Optional] Queries attached to the request
val data: JsonObject = buildJsonObject {}, /// [Optional] Data of the request body
val clientId: String = "kotlin-1", /// [Optional] Identification of the given SDK client
val method: String = "GET", /// [Optional] Method, either should be "POST" or "GET"
val form: Boolean = false, /// [Optional] Indicates if the body is a form
val formFields: Map<String, String>? = null, /// [Optional] Describes the fields in the form
val timeout: Duration = 20.toDuration(DurationUnit.SECONDS) /// [Optional] Timeout
For building json objects, you can use the kotlin serialization library.
The requester on request responds with an http4k Response object
We expose exceptions in com.github.paylike.kotlin_request.exceptions
may throw the following errors:
- RateLimitException
Happens if the application receives 429 from the API. The client retries automatically if retry-after
header is present.
- PaylikeException
Happens when the API responds with an error but that error can be classified using Paylike error codes
- ServerErrorException
Happens when the API responds with an unexpected message
- TimeoutCancellationException (comes from org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core)
Happens when the request could not finish in time and the coroutine timeout kills the process